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This is the third cycle of La Isla 2012: El Reality, covering episodes 9 to 12.


Day 9[]


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Day 10[]


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Day 11[]


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Day 12[]


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Challenge: Blind Leading the Blind
One contestant will use verbal commands to guide the other two pairs of contestants, who are blinded, through a series of obstacles until they reach a water and a corn dispenser, and, using the provided buckets, they'll fill them and race back to a place where they will have to fill two large containers, one with water, and the other with corn, until the flag is raised.
High Beach: Desconocidos
Medium Beach: Celebridades
Low Beach: Famosos

Challenge: Lock Step
While they are all tied to a rope, they will have to go through a series of obstacles in the sea, and once they reach the end and can all unhook themselves apart, two of the castaways will assemble a puzzle.
Winners: Desconocidos

Challenge: Sumo at Sea
Contestants from each tribe will go out to a course, with one being the hunters, and the other being the prey. The hunters will have three minutes to catch the prey. If the hunters catch the prey, their tribe will receive a point. But, if the prey survives for three minutes, they'll get the point. The tribe with the most points after eight rounds will win.
Winners: Celebridades


Immunity Vote:
2012LI julia t
Julia (6 votes)
2012LI gabrielle t2012LI hilario t2012LI juan t
2012LI julio césar t2012LI lourdes t2012LI maría renee t
Gaby, Hilario, Juan, Julio César, Lourdes, María Renee
2012LI julia t
Julia Orayen

The Judges' Vote was revealed after the votes were cast, so Julia was still eligible.

Trial 3:
2012LI julia t
Julia (4 votes)
2012LI travieso t2012LI mariana t2012LI rafael t2012LI yanilen t
El Travieso, Mariana, Rafa, Yanilen
2012LI rafael t
Rafa (1 vote)
2012LI julia t
Vote Rendered Null due to the Judges' Vote

Due to Julia being saved, the vote will restart.

(Julia immune)
2012LI mariana t
Mariana (2 votes)
2012LI travieso t2012LI rafael t
El Travieso, Rafa
2012LI rafael t
Rafa (2 votes)
2012LI julia t2012LI mariana t
Julia, Mariana
2012LI travieso t
El Travieso (1 vote)
2012LI yanilen t
2012LI mariana t2012LI rafael t
Mariana, Rafa (2 votes each)

(Only Julia is eligible to vote)
2012LI rafael t
Rafa (1 vote)
2012LI julia t
2012LI mariana t
Mariana (0 votes)
2012LI rafael bw
Rafa Mercadante

Voting Confessionals[]

2012LI julia t
(votando en contra de Rafa) Voy a votar por Rafa, para que también nos quede como recuerdo que el espíritu y la frustración se tienen que canalizar para una energía positiva y no destructiva para el grupo, mucho menos para uno mismo.
(voting against Rafa) I will vote for Rafa, so that we can also be reminded that spirit and frustration must be channeled into positive energy and not destructive to the group, much less to ourselves.
2012LI rafael t
(votando en contra de Julia) Julia, gracias por todos los momentos que aprendimos y vivimos.
(voting against Julia) Julia, thank you for all the moments we learned and lived together.

This vote was out loud, in front of everyone else.

2012LI julia t
(votando en contra de Rafa) Creo que lo más honesto sería votar, no para dejar un grupo fuerte, si no votar por la persona que creo que ha atentado contra este grupo a pesar de que tiene muchísimas cualidades como todos los demás. Mi voto es por Rafa.
(voting against Rafa) I think the most honest thing to do would be to vote, not in favor of a strong group, but to vote for the person who I think has gone against this group even though he has many qualities like everyone else. My vote is for Rafa.
2012LI travieso t
El Travieso
(votando en contra de Mariana) Híjole. Que momento tan difícil porque, sí, definitivamente no nos esperábamos esto. ¿Qué hago? ¿Qué hago...? Bueno, pues si es de estrategias yo creo que ocupamos fuerza, y ocupamos también estrategia… híjole, qué difícil… Mariana.
(voting against Mariana) Wow. What a difficult moment because, yes, we definitely did not expect this. What do I do? What do I do...? Well, if it is about strategies, I think we need strength, and we also need strategy... gosh, so difficult... Mariana.
2012LI mariana t
(votando en contra de Rafa) Pues sí, ahora sí que no, no venía preparada para esta situación. Sin embargo, yo también soy de la idea que las cosas pasan por elgo, y que bueno que sigues en el equipo Julia, de verdad. Me da mucho gusto. Todos somos pieza clave de este equipo, y sí, es difícil, era difícil despedir a cualquiera. Tengo que ser coherente con lo que pienso y con lo que creo y, en esta semana, no aprobé una situación ni una reacción de un compañero, él lo sabe. Y, desafortunadamente, mi voto también va para Rafa.
(voting against Rafa) Yeah, I was, also not prepared for this situation. However, I am also of the idea that things happen for a reason, and I'm glad you are still on the team Julia, truly. I'm very glad. We're all a key part of this team, and yes, it's tough, it was tough to say goodbye to anyone. I have to be consistent with what I think and what I believe and, this week, I did not approve a situation nor a reaction of a teammate, and he knows that. And, unfortunately, my vote also goes to Rafa.
2012LI rafael t
(votando en contra de Mariana) Bueno, ayer habíamos hablado y habíamos quedado en un acuerdo que para mantener al grupo sólido y fuerte se iban a mantener dos hombres y dos mujeres. Sin embargo, me sorprende, Julia, que hayas tomado esa decisión. Yo no sé por qué votaste de esa manera y, adelante. Mi voto es por Mariana.
(voting against Mariana) Well, yesterday we had talked and we had agreed that in order to keep the group solid and strong we were going to keep two men and two women. However, I'm surprised, Julia, that you made that decision. I don't know why you voted that way but, your choice. My vote is for Mariana.
2012LI yanilen t
(votando en contra de El Travieso) No puedo, es que no. Qué difícil. La verdad yo tampoco venía- nadie venía preparado para esto. Y sí es muy difícil, porque este equipo necesita fuerza, pero también necesita de inteligencia, ¿no? Y de estrategia y… Yo no podría votar en contra de Mariana, que fuera lo que tendría que pasar en este momento, porque la quiero muchísimo, como si fuera mi hermana. Y no puedo hacerlo. No puedo hacer algo que mi corazón dice que no, y yo a ella no le puedo decir que se vaya porque no. Porque ella nunca se ha quejado de nada, ha hecho todo por estar aquí, todo. [señala a Rafa y Mariana] Tienes dos, dos, y él [señala a El Travieso] tiene uno solo. ¿No tiene nada? Entonces mi voto es para Travieso.
(voting against El Travieso) I can't, I just can't. So tough. The truth is that I didn't come- nobody came prepared for this. And yes, it is very hard, because this team needs strength, but it also needs intelligence, doesn't it? And strategy, and... I couldn't vote against Mariana, which is what should happen at this moment, because I love her very much, just like a sister. And I can't do it. I can't do something that my heart says no, and I can't tell her to leave because I just can't. Because she's never complained about anything, she's done everything to be here, everything. [points to Rafa and Mariana] You have two, two, and he [points to El Travieso] has only one. He has none? My vote is for Travieso then.

Just like the last vote, this one was said out loud.

2012LI julia t
(votando en contra de Rafa) Para contestarte a ti, Rafa, del por qué mi voto… Bueno, no quiere terminar de escuchar. La razón es porque la única persona que ha atentado contra este grupo ha sido Rafa, y es en contra de la única persona que podría votar. Mi voto es para Rafa.
(voting against Rafa) To answer you, Rafa, why I voted that way... Well, he doesn't want to listen. The reason is because the only person who has gone against against this group has been Rafa, and it is the only person I could vote against. My vote is for Rafa.

Still in the Running[]

2012LI belem bw
2012LI juanito bw
2012LI rafael bw
2012LI celia t
2012LI daniel t
 El Bofo
2012LI adolfo t
 El Travieso
2012LI travieso t
2012LI gabrielle t
2012LI hilario t
2012LI ivonne t
2012LI juan t
2012LI julia t
 Julio César
2012LI julio césar t
2012LI lourdes t
 María Renee
2012LI maría renee t
2012LI mariana t
2012LI ricardo t
2012LI yanilen t


  • This week marks the first time:
    • A contestant is successfully saved by the Judges' Vote, that being Julia.
    • A tied vote occurs in the season.


La Isla 2012: El Reality Cycles
Cycle 1 (Ep. 1-4) · Cycle 2 (Ep. 5-8) · Cycle 3 (Ep. 9-12) · Cycle 4 (Ep. 13-16) · Cycle 5 (Ep. 17-20) · Cycle 6 (Ep. 21-24) · Cycle 7 (Ep. 25-28) · Cycle 8 (Ep. 29-32) · Cycle 9 (Ep. 33-36) · Cycle 10 (Ep. 37-40) · Cycle 11 (Ep. 41-44) · Cycle 12 (Ep. 45-48) · Cycle 13 (Ep. 49-52) · Cycle 14 (Ep. 53-56) · Cycle 15 (Ep. 57-60) · Cycle 16 (Ep. 61-65)