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Korok​ is a tribe from Les Aventuriers de Koh-Lanta. Their tribe color is red.

Korok was initially run by the fishing alliance, which controlled the tribe's first Tribal Council. However, a counter-alliance formed in retaliation and eliminated two of the three fishing alliance members before the tribe entered the merge with five members.


Gaël Gollen
18, Finistère
Management student
FRS1 gael t
Guénaëlle Biras
25, Paris
Advertising graphic artist
FRS1 guenaelle t
Guillaume Noel
24, Ille-et-Vilaine
Car salesman
FRS1 guillaume t
Harry Levy
44, Bouches-du-Rhône
Dental technician
FRS1 harry t
Michèle Valembois
58, Allier
Former entrepreneur
FRS1 michele t
Patricia Tanguy
31, Val-d'Oise
Executive secretary
FRS1 patricia t
Romain Bissol
27, Essonne
FRS1 romain t
William Lecomte
31, Indre-et-Loire
University teacher
FRS1 william t

Tribe History[]

Challenge History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out Result Eliminated
1 Quest for Fire Immunity Won Tribe Immune
2 TBA Reward Lost Guillaume
2nd Voted Out
Day 7
Buggin' Out Immunity Lost
3 Treasure Chest Reward Won Tribe Immune
Around the Bend Immunity Won
4 SOS Signal Reward Lost Gaël
4th Voted Out
Day 13
Treasure Hunt Immunity Lost
5 Choose Your Weapon Reward Lost Harry
5th Voted Out
Day 16
Bungee Running Immunity Lost
6 TBA Reward Lost Tribe Immune
The Obstacle Course Immunity Won
Tribes Merged, Day 21

Voting History[]

Original Tribes
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Voted Out Tribe
FRS1 guillaume t
FRS1 gael t
FRS1 harry t
Vote 4-3-1 4-3 4-2
Guénaëlle Michèle Gaël Harry
Patricia Michèle Gaël Harry
Romain Harry Gaël Harry
William Guillaume Michèle Patricia
Michèle Guillaume Gaël Harry
Harry Guillaume Michèle Patricia
Gaël Guillaume Michèle
Guillaume Michèle



  • Korok is the first red tribe in Koh-Lanta.
  • Korok is the first tribe in Koh-Lanta to win a challenge.


Koh-Lanta Tribes
Les Aventuriers Nicoya Bocas del Toro Panama
Korok Lanta-naï Tambor Ventanas Boro Machiga Chapera Mogo
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Pacifique Vanuatu Palawan Caramoan
Kanawa Kumo Mosso Tana Batang Guntao Mingao Tayak
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Le Retour des Héros Palau Le Choc des Héros Viêtnam
Jacaré Tupan Koror Mawaï Malabou Tiac Do Vang
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Raja Ampat La Revanche des Héros Malaisie La Nouvelle Édition
Mambok Wasaï Klahan Nekmao Mawar Sungaï Simban Tengah
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Johor Thaïlande L'Île au Trésor Cambodge
Lankawaï Tinggi Aopoh Karwaï Naga Sambor Bokor Sokka Takéo
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Fidji Le Combat des Héros La Guerre des Chefs L'Île des Héros
Coravu Makawa Toa Wakaï Ikalu Kama Tabuo Héros Lawaki Nacomo
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Les 4 Terres Les Armes Secrètes La Légende Le Totem Maudit
Ceva Tokalo Vakara Vualiku Oro Toa Men's Tribe Women's Tribe Ilog Nacpan Turung
Sayake Vuro Korok Lanta-naï
Merged Tribe Cadlao Matingi
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Le Feu Sacré Les Chasseurs d'Immunité La Tribu Maudite
Paniman Tinago Kadasi Matukad Pitogo Sabitang The Cursed Tribe
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe