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Survivor Wiki

Koh-Lanta: Palawan is the seventh season of Koh-Lanta. It was broadcast on TF1 from June 29 to September 11, 2007, airing at 8:55 p.m.

Jade Handi and Kevin Cuoco Giudicelli tied in a 3-3 jury vote at the Final Tribal Council. As a result, both were declared Dual Survivors.


This season was filmed on the island of Palawan in the Philippines.



Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe Day 5 Tribes Switched Tribes Merged Tribe
FRS7 ali t Ali Jaffar
35, Seine-Saint-Denis
Metro Driver
Batang Quit
Day 5
FRS7 pascale t Pascale Bodin
39, Charente-Maritime
Guntao Batang 1st Voted Out
Day 4

2nd Voted Out
Day 7
FRS7 marielaure t Marie-Laure Dagniaux
23, Paris
Former Model
Batang Batang 3rd Voted Out
Day 10
FRS7 melanie t Mélanie Guyon
24, Besançon
Batang Batang Batang 4th Voted Out
Day 13
FRS7 veronique t Véronique Lambert
50, Lille
Financial Advisor
Guntao Guntao Guntao 5th Voted Out
Day 16
FRS7 chloe t Chloé Vavasseur
25, Rouen
Human Resources Officer
Guntao Guntao Guntao 6th Voted Out
Day 19
FRS7 erick t Érick Africaa
32, Nîmes
Sports Coach
Guntao Guntao Batang Merged Tribe 7th Voted Out
Day 22
FRS7 filomene t Filomène Mendonca
35, Boulogne-Billancourt
Insurance Manager
Guntao Guntao Guntao 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 25
FRS7 adrien t Adrien Torrin
55, Savoie
Retired SNCF Agent
Guntao Guntao Guntao Quit
Day 29
FRS7 gregoire t Grégoire Delachaux
24, Yvelines
Guntao Guntao Guntao 9th Voted Out
Removed from Jury
Day 28

10th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 31
FRS7 laurent t Laurent Boudes
34, Sète
Shellfish Wholesaler
Guntao Guntao Guntao 11th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 34
FRS7 patrick t Patrick Brasier De Thuy
40, Villeneuve d'Ascq
Batang Batang Batang 12th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 37
FRS7 simon t Simon Quintilla
26, Narbonne
Batang Batang Batang Eliminated
5th Jury Member
Day 38
FRS7 maryline t Maryline Hemelsdael
36, Nord
Batang Batang Batang 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 39
FRS7 jade t Jade Handi
24, Toulouse
Leisure Center Manager
Batang Batang Batang Dual Survivors 0
FRS7 kevin t Kevin Cuoco Giudicelli
21, Var
Kart Racer
Batang Batang Batang 2

Episode Guide[]

Episode Air date Challenges Eliminated
Reward Immunity
1 June 30, 2007 Érick1 None Pascale
1st Voted Out
Day 4
Batang Batang
2 July 6, 2007 Guntao Guntao Ali
(no vote)
Day 5
2nd Voted Out
Day 7
3 July 13, 2007 Guntao Guntao Marie-Laure
3rd Voted Out
Day 10
4 July 20, 2007 Batang Guntao Mélanie
4th Voted Out
Day 13
5 July 27, 2007 Batang Batang Véronique
5th Voted Out
Day 16
6 August 3, 2007 Batang Batang Chloé
6th Voted Out
Day 19
7 August 10, 2007 Guntao Grégoire Érick
7th Voted Out
Day 22
8 August 17, 2007 Patrick
Grégoire Filomène
8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 25
9 August 24, 2007 Grégoire
Jade Grégoire
9th Voted Out
Removed from Jury
Day 28
10 August 31, 2007 Laurent Jade Adrien
(no vote)
Day 29
10th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 31
11 September 4, 2007 Simon Patrick Laurent
11th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 34
12 Kevin Simon Patrick
12th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 37
13 September 11, 2007 None Jade Simon
(no vote)4
5th Jury Member
Day 38
Jade Maryline
13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 39
Jury Vote Jade
Dual Survivors

^1 A challenge occurred on Day 1 that would determine who would select the Batang and Guntao tribes.
^2 As the two ambassadors for the merge tribe, Laurent and Patrick had to cast an extra vote for someone
at the first post-merge Tribal Council. They chose to cast an extra vote against Érick.
^3 The vote resulted in a tie. Per Koh-Lanta rules, a revote will commence.
^4 At the final four, the remaining castaways competed in an elimination challenge. Simon came in last
and was eliminated.
^5 According to the rules of Koh-Lanta, if a tie for Sole Survivor occurs, both finalists are declared winners.

Voting History[]

Original Tribes Day 5 Tribes Switched Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Voted Out FRS7 pascale t
FRS7 ali t
FRS7 pascale t
FRS7 marielaure t
FRS7 melanie t
FRS7 veronique t
FRS7 chloe t
FRS7 erick t
FRS7 filomene t
FRS7 gregoire t
FRS7 adrien t
FRS7 gregoire t
FRS7 laurent t
Tie FRS7 patrick t
FRS7 simon t
FRS7 maryline t
FRS7 kevin t
FRS7 jade t
Vote 5-3 No vote1 7-1 6-1 5-1-1 5-1 3-2 6-52 5-4 5-2-1 No vote3 4-1-1-1 5-1 2-2-14 3-2 No vote5 1-06 3-37
Ambassadors Érick
Jade Pascale Marie-Laure Mélanie Érick Filomène Grégoire Laurent Laurent Kevin Patrick Maryline Jury Vote
Kevin Pascale Marie-Laure Mélanie Érick Filomène Grégoire Grégoire Laurent Maryline Maryline None
Maryline Pascale Marie-Laure Mélanie Érick Filomène Grégoire Grégoire Laurent Patrick Patrick None Jade
Simon Pascale Marie-Laure Mélanie Érick Filomène Grégoire Grégoire Laurent Patrick Patrick Eliminated Jade
Patrick Pascale Marie-Laure Érick Érick Filomène Grégoire Grégoire Laurent Maryline Maryline Kevin
Laurent Pascale Véronique Chloé Patrick Patrick Simon Maryline Kevin Kevin
Grégoire Pascale Véronique Chloé Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Kevin
Adrien Pascale Véronique Chloé Patrick Patrick Patrick Quit
Filomène Véronique Véronique Adrien Patrick Patrick Jade
Érick Pascale Mélanie Patrick
Chloé Véronique Véronique Adrien
Véronique Pascale Filomène
Mélanie Pascale Marie-Laure Patrick
Marie-Laure Pascale Simon
Pascale Véronique Mélanie
Ali Quit

^1 Ali elected to quit the game due to missing his family. Pascale returned to the game to replace him, switching tribes in the process.
^2 As the two ambassadors for the merge tribe, Laurent and Patrick had to cast an extra vote for someone at the first post-merge Tribal Council. They chose to cast an extra vote against Érick.
^3 Adrien elected to quit the game, feeling Gregoire was eliminated unfairly. Gregoire returned to the game to replace him.
^4 Tribal Council resulted in a tie. Per the rules, a second vote was held where everyone could only vote for those involved in the tie.
^5 At the final four, the remaining castaways competed in an elimination challenge. Simon came in last and was eliminated.
^6 Kevin and Maryline did not vote as they could only vote for were each other. By virtue of winning the final Immunity Challenge, only Jade voted.
^7 According to the rules of Koh-Lanta, if a tie for Sole Survivor occurs, both finalists are declared winners.



Koh-Lanta Seasons
Les Aventuriers · Nicoya · Bocas del Toro · Panama · Pacifique · Vanuatu · Palawan · Caramoan · Le Retour des Héros · Palau · Le Choc des Héros · Viêtnam · Raja Ampat · La Revanche des Héros · Malaisie · La Nouvelle Édition · Johor · Thaïlande · L'Île au Trésor · Cambodge · Fidji · Le Combat des Héros · La Guerre des Chefs · L'Île des Héros · Les 4 Terres · Les Armes Secrètes · La Légende · Le Totem Maudit · Le Feu Sacré · Les Chasseurs d'Immunité · La Tribu Maudite · La Revanche des 4 Terres