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Koh-Lanta: L'Île des Héros is the sixth special season of Koh-Lanta and the twenty-fourth season overall. It was broadcast on TF1 from February 21 to June 5, 2020.

Naoil Tita defeated Inès Loucif in a 7-2 jury vote to become the Sole Survivor.


This season was originally planned to run 11 episodes. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, four episodes (5-6, 8-9, 12-13, and 14-15) were divided in two parts, in hopes that lockdown would be over in time for the live finale reunion. This decision payed out, as lockdown in France ended in May and the reunion was able to be held on June 5.


  • Heroes Island: While fourteen new castaways enter the season, five former castaways return for another chance to win, starting the game as the Heroes and living on an island apart from the two tribes of new players. In order to enter the main game, they must compete in two entry challenges where the two winners earn a spot in one of the two tribes, along with individual immunity at the following Tribal Council should their new tribe lose the corresponding Immunity Challenge. The first entry challenge is held on Day 2, with the two winners joining a tribe after the Day 4 Reward Challenge. Heroes Island ends on Day 9 with the second entry challenge, as the two winners immediately join a tribe and the remaining Hero who finished last in the challenge is eliminated from the game.
  • Immunity Necklaces: The first two Immunity Necklaces (equivalent of Hidden Immunity Idols in Koh-Lanta) are up for grabs at an opening challenge held at the marooning, before the formation of the tribes. The first one is only playable at the first Tribal Council attended by its holder, while the second one, which is harder to retrieve, is last playable at the first post-merge Tribal Council. Two other Immunity Necklaces are hidden afterwards, one on each tribe's camp, and those are also valuable until the first post-merge Tribal Council. Finally, other Immunity Necklaces with no limited valuability are hidden after the merge.
  • Ambassadors: At the merge, both tribes must appoint a returning castaway and a new castaway from the opposite tribe to attend the ambassadors meeting, where their purpose is to directly eliminate a castaway from the game. If the four ambassadors do not agree on a name, a rock draw is held between the two pairs representing each tribe, and the pair that loses the draw competes in a duel where the loser is eliminated from the game.
  • Black Vote: The Black Vote retains the mechanics introduced in Cambodge: starting from the first post-merge Tribal Council, the person voted out gives to a remaining castaway the power to vote twice at the following Tribal Council. The Black Vote does not extend through a revote.
  • Penalty Vote after Challenge: At three different challenges, the person or pair who comes in last receives an extra vote against them at the following Tribal Council. Those challenges are the Immunity Challenge in Episode 6, the Reward Challenge in Episode 8 (with the penalty vote taking effect in Episode 9 due to the original episode being divided in two parts), and the Immunity Challenge in Episode 10. Penalty votes do not extend through a revote.
  • Tied Destinies: On Day 22, the ten remaining castaways are divided into five pairs by a rock draw. Until the next Tribal Council, the fate of each contestant is linked to their partner: the challenges are competed by pairs, and the person voted out at Tribal Council causes their partner's demise.
  • Sudden Death Challenge: On Day 29, the castaway who comes in last in the Immunity Challenge is directly eliminated from the game.
  • Replacements: Due to Claudia Chatel being evacuated before the first Tribal Council, Marie Ovaere entered the game on Day 3 to replace her. Also, due to two other evacuations, two castaways returned in the game after being eliminated.
  • Final Five: The last five adventurers will go to the orienteering race.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe First
Entry Tribe
Entry Tribe
Day 13 Tribe Merged Tribe
FRS24 claudia t Claudia Chatel
21, Meurthe-et-Moselle
Communications Student
Nacomo Evacuated
Day 2
FRS24 joseph t Joseph Farret
27, Calvados
Furniture Salesman
Nacomo 1st Voted Out
Day 3
FRS24 valerie t Valérie Gernigon
58, Loire-Atlantique
Sports Club President
Lawaki Lawaki 2nd Voted Out
Day 7
FRS24 marie t Marie Ovaere
37, Belgium
Physical Trainer
Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Evacuated
Day 10
FRS24 sara t Sara Tallon
50, Var
Malaisie & La Nouvelle Édition
Héros Héros Lawaki Evacuated
Day 13
FRS24 benoit t Benoît Fourmont
43, Morbihan
Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki 4th Voted Out
Day 13
FRS24 delphine t Delphine Hergault
36, Yvelines
Communications Officer
Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo 5th Voted Out
Day 15
FRS24 pholien t Pholien Systermans
29, Belgium
Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Merged Tribe 6th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 16
FRS24 ahmad t Ahmad Abadie
30, Rhône
Restaurant Manager
Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo 7th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 18
FRS24 sam t Sam Haliti
20, Haut-Rhin
Cabinetmaker Apprentice
Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki 8th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 21
FRS24 charlotte t Charlotte Caron
27, Seine-Saint-Denis
Real Estate Agent
Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo 9th Voted Out
Evacuated from Jury
Day 24
FRS24 teheiura t Teheiura Teahui
41, Hérault
Raja Ampat, La Revanche des Héros,
& La Nouvelle Édition
Héros Nacomo Nacomo Lawaki 3rd Voted Out
Day 10
4th Jury Member
Day 24
FRS24 jessica t Jessica Potel
35, Essonne
Héros Héros Nacomo Nacomo Eliminated
Day 9
10th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 27
FRS24 eric t Éric Peyrache
56, Haute-Loire
Car Junkyard Owner
Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Nacomo Eliminated
6th Jury Member
Day 29
FRS24 regis t Régis Rappailles
40, Yonne
Sports Store Manager
Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki 11th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 30
FRS24 alexandra t Alexandra Leveau
46, Côtes-d'Armor
Sports Coach
Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Evacuated
Day 31
FRS24 moussa t Moussa Niangane
38, Hauts-de-Seine
Bocas del Toro & La Revanche des Héros
Héros Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Eliminated
8th Jury Member
Day 31
FRS24 claude t Claude Dartois
40, Paris
Viêtnam & La Revanche des Héros
Héros Héros Nacomo Nacomo 12th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 32
FRS24 ines t Inès Loucif
25, Paris
Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Runner-Up 1
FRS24 naoil t Naoil Tita
37, Hauts-de-Seine
Professional Boxer
Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Lawaki Sole Survivor 0

Season Summary[]

Episode Air Date Heroes Island Challenges Eliminated
Winners Eliminated Finish Reward Immunity
1 February 21, 2020 None Benoît Lawaki Claudia
(No Vote)
Day 2
1st Voted Out
Day 3
2 February 28, 2020 Teheiura None Nacomo Moussa1 Valérie
2nd Voted Out
Day 7
Moussa Nacomo
3 March 13, 2020 Claude Jessica Eliminated
Day 9
Nacomo Claude1 Marie
(No Vote)
Day 10
Sara Lawaki Teheiura
3rd Voted Out
Day 10
4 March 20, 2020 Lawaki Nacomo Sara
(No Vote)
Day 13
4th Voted Out
Day 13
5 March 27, 2020 Nacomo None Delphine
5th Voted Out
Day 15
6 April 3, 2020 None Sam Pholien
6th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 16
7 April 10, 2020 Teheiura
Claude Ahmad
7th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 18
8 April 17, 2020 Teheiura
9 April 24, 2020 None Naoil Sam
8th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 21
10 May 1, 2020 Charlotte,
9th Voted Out
Evacuated from Jury5
Day 24
(No Vote)4
4th Jury Member
Day 24
11 May 8, 2020 Claude,
Claude Jessica
10th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 27
12 May 15, 2020 Naoil
13 May 22, 2020 None Claude Éric
(No Vote)6
6th Jury Member
Day 29
11th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 30
14 May 29, 2020 None Claude Alexandra
(No Vote)7
Day 31
(No Vote)7
8th Jury Member
Day 31
15 June 5, 2020 None Naoil Claude
12th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 32
Jury Vote Inès
Sole Survivor

^1 At both of the Héros's entry challenges, the castaways who won entry into the game would be awarded immunity valid for only the following Tribal Council.
^2 At the ambassadors meeting, the four ambassadors agreed to vote Delphine out of the game.
^3 The vote resulted in a tie. Per Koh-Lanta rules, a revote would commence.
^4 Teheiura was Charlotte's partner during the Tied Destinies twist, therefore he was also eliminated when Charlotte was voted out.
^5 Charlotte was evacuated from the jury for medical reasons.
^6 The castaway who finished last in the sixth individual Immunity Challenge would be eliminated from the game. Éric came in last and was eliminated.
^7 At the final five, the remaining castaways competed in an elimination challenge where two castaways would be eliminated. Alexandra was evacuated mid-challenge while Moussa came in last and was eliminated.

Voting History[]

Koh-Lanta: L'Île des Héros Voting History
Original Tribes First Entry Tribes Second Entry Tribes Day 13 Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15
Voted out: FRS24 claudia t
FRS24 joseph t
FRS24 valerie t
FRS24 jessica t
FRS24 marie t
FRS24 teheiura t
FRS24 sara t
FRS24 benoit t
FRS24 delphine t
Tie FRS24 pholien t
FRS24 ahmad t
FRS24 sam t
Tie FRS24 charlotte t
FRS24 teheiura t
FRS24 jessica t
FRS24 eric t
FRS24 regis t
FRS24 alexandra t
FRS24 moussa t
FRS24 claude t
FRS24 ines t
FRS24 naoil t
Vote: No Vote1 5-1 6-2 No Vote3 No Vote4 6-2 No Vote5 6-1 4-06 5-5-47,8 8-5 9-3-1 6-4-37 6-6-17,8 6-4 No Vote10 6-3 No Vote11 4-3 No Vote12 No Vote12 1-013 7-2
Naoil Valérie Benoît Éric Éric Éric Sam Charlotte Charlotte Jessica Régis Claude Jury Vote
Inès Valérie Benoît Éric Éric Ahmad Sam Charlotte Charlotte Jessica Alexandra None
Claude On Heroes Island Éric Delphine Pholien Pholien Ahmad Charlotte Éric Éric Alexandra Régis9 None Naoil
Moussa On Heroes Island Valérie Benoît Delphine Pholien Pholien Éric Éric Charlotte Charlotte Jessica Alexandra Eliminated Inès
Alexandra Valérie Benoît Delphine Éric Pholien Sam Sam Charlotte Charlotte Jessica Régis Evacuated
Régis Valérie Benoît Pholien Pholien Ahmad Sam Charlotte Charlotte Jessica Alexandra Inès
Éric Joseph Teheiura Ahmad Pholien Ahmad9 Sam Charlotte Charlotte Jessica Eliminated Naoil
Jessica On Heroes Island Eliminated Teheiura Éric Éric Ahmad Éric Éric Éric Alexandra9 Naoil
Teheiura On Heroes Island Éric Exempt2 Pholien Pholien Ahmad Charlotte9 Éric9 Éric Eliminated Naoil
Éric9 Éric9
Charlotte Joseph Teheiura Ahmad Éric Ahmad Sam Éric Éric
Sam Valérie Benoît Pholien Pholien Ahmad Charlotte Alexandra Naoil
Ahmad Joseph Teheiura Delphine Éric Pholien Éric Charlotte Éric Naoil
Pholien Joseph Teheiura Ahmad Éric Naoil
Delphine Joseph Teheiura Voted out Ahmad
Benoît Sam Inès
Sara On Heroes Island Evacuated
Marie Exempt2 Evacuated
Valérie Sam
Joseph Delphine
Claudia Evacuated

^1 Claudia was medically evacuated. No vote occurred for her removal and Marie entered the game to replace her.
^2 This castaway returned to the game during Tribal Council. Due to not spending the previous three days with their tribe, they were immune and could not cast a vote.
^3 Jessica finished last in the Héros's entry challenge and was eliminated from the game.
^4 Marie was medically evacuated. No vote occurred for her removal and Jessica came back in the game to replace her.
^5 Sara was medically evacuated. No vote occurred for her removal and Teheiura came back in the game to replace her.
^6 Ahmad, Alexandra, Claude, and Moussa were their tribes' ambassadors. At the meeting, they agreed to vote Delphine out of the game.
^7 A castaway(s) had a penalty vote cast against them due to finishing last in the Immunity Challenge.
^8 Tribal Council resulted in a tie. Per Koh-Lanta rules, a revote was held. Both the Black Vote and any penalty votes do not carry over into the revote.
^9 This castaway was given the power to vote twice by the castaway voted out at the previous Tribal Council.
^10 Teheiura was Charlotte's partner during the Tied Destinies twist, therefore he was also eliminated when Charlotte was voted out.
^11 The castaway who finished last in the sixth individual Immunity Challenge would be eliminated from the game. Éric came in last and was eliminated.
^12 At the final five, the remaining castaways competed in an elimination challenge where two castaways would be eliminated. Alexandra was evacuated mid-challenge while Moussa came in last and was eliminated.
^13 Claude and Inès did not vote as they could only vote for each other. By virtue of winning the Final Immunity Challenge, only Naoil voted.


  • This is the second Koh-Lanta season to have a cast made up of both new contestants and returning players, following Le Choc des Héros.
    • However, while the new contestants in Le Choc des Héros were famous athletes, this season's new contestants are ordinary people.


Koh-Lanta Seasons
Les Aventuriers · Nicoya · Bocas del Toro · Panama · Pacifique · Vanuatu · Palawan · Caramoan · Le Retour des Héros · Palau · Le Choc des Héros · Viêtnam · Raja Ampat · La Revanche des Héros · Malaisie · La Nouvelle Édition · Johor · Thaïlande · L'Île au Trésor · Cambodge · Fidji · Le Combat des Héros · La Guerre des Chefs · L'Île des Héros · Les 4 Terres · Les Armes Secrètes · La Légende · Le Totem Maudit · Le Feu Sacré · Les Chasseurs d'Immunité · La Tribu Maudite