Castaways must race to smash a series of tiles by throwing a metal ball or coconuts. The first person or team to finish wins.
United States[]
The challenge debuted in Survivor: Palau. Each contestant had five color coded tiles in a grid of 35 tiles. Ian Rosenberger ended up winning the challenge due to Tom Westman accidentally breaking his last tile.
The challenge reappeared as the first four-player Redemption Islandduel in Survivor: Redemption Island. Mike Chiesl was the first to finish, followed by Matt Elrod, and Ralph Kiser, and Steve Wright was eliminated from the game for good. For coming in first, Mike was also given the choice of whether to see his loved one, to allow Matt and Ralph to see their loved ones, or to have the remaining castaways of the Murlonio tribe see their loved ones. He ultimately decided to give the most good to the most people, allowing the members of the Murlonio tribe to spend the afternoon with their loved ones at camp.
The challenge was used as the last part of the third tribal Immunity Challenge in Heroes v Villains. After completing an obstacle course, the tribes would attempt to break six tiles using coconuts. The Heroes used their superior physical strength to clinch a third consecutive Immunity Challenge victory, sending the Villains back to Tribal Council.
Mexico (Unofficial)[]
The challenge appeared as an Immunity Challenge in La Isla 2012. The castaways were in a line, relaying the coconuts to one another, from the shore to the perch where the last castaway was. This one would attempt to break eight color coded tiles. El Bofo managed to make quick work of the targets, marking it the first Immunity Challenge win for his Celebridades tribe.