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Souad "Jade" Handi is one of the Dual Survivors of Koh-Lanta: Palawan. She later competed on Koh-Lanta: Le Retour des Héros and Koh-Lanta: La Légende.

Due to being strong in challenges, strategy, and making social bonds, Jade is considered one of the best Koh-Lanta players of all time.


Profile retrieved from[1]

Jade a plusieurs fiertés dans sa vie: ses études et l'amour de son fiancé, Olivier. C'est d'ailleurs en partie pour lui qu'elle se lance aujourd'hui, à 24 ans, dans l'aventure Koh-Lanta: afin de lui prouver qu'elle est capable d'aller jusqu'au bout des choses.

Profile retrieved from[2]

  • Age: 26 ans
  • Profession: Gérante d'un centre automobile
  • Ville: Haute-Garonne
  • Equipe: Tupan
Jade a plusieurs fiertés dans sa vie: sa réussite et l'amour de son fiancé, Olivier. C'est d'ailleurs en partie pour lui qu'elle revient aujourd'hui, à 26 ans, dans l'aventure Koh-Lanta: afin de lui prouver qu'elle est capable d'aller jusqu'au bout des choses. C'est sur, Jade a de la détermination à revendre!



During the marooning, Denis Brogniart presented the Race to Shore challenge to the contestants, in which the first male and first female contestants to retrieve a bamboo section from a tree upon arriving at the shore would win an advantage. Érick Africaa and Jade won the challenge and the advantage, which made them tribe captains and granted them the right to form their tribes in a Schoolyard Pick. In order, Jade selected Simon Quintilla, Kevin Cuoco Giudicelli, Patrick Brasier De Thuy, Maryline Hemelsdael, Marie-Laure Dagniaux, Ali Jaffar, and Mélanie Guyon to be on the Batang tribe. Jade affiliated herself best with Patrick and Kevin because of similar mindsets. When Ali quit the game on Day 5, Pascale Bodin returned to the game in his place. Pascale failed to integrate herself into the well-unified Batang tribe and, when they lost the second Immunity Challenge, she was voted out unanimously. Though Jade was the captain of the Batang tribe, she had relinquished herself of a leadership role and left the tribe to control themselves as a collective unit. At the third Tribal Council of the season, Denis Brogniart asked the Batang tribe if, considering that they had lost four consecutive challenges, their strategy of working without a leader was working for them. In response, the tribe appointed Patrick as their leader before eliminating Marie-Laure unanimously for her laziness around camp. In time, Jade reemerged as a leader and she and Patrick led their tribe through a generally successful remainder of the tribal phase.

When the Batang tribe won the fourth Reward Challenge on Day 11, they were rewarded with the right to permanently kidnap one of the members of the Guntao tribe as part of a tribe switch. The Batang tribe chose Érick, who up until then was the leader of the Guntao tribe. Like Pascale before him, Érick initially had difficulty integrating himself into the Batang tribe, however, his strength in challenges and his charismatic demeanour soon boosted his rapport with his new tribemates and more of them felt that he deserved to stay. The Batang tribe lost the fourth Immunity Challenge and, at the corresponding Tribal Council, Kevin joined the majority in voting out Mélanie for her mediocre challenge performances over the past few cycles. Going forward, the Batang tribe did not lose any more Immunity Challenges and its six members made the merge.

Before the tribes merged, the Batang tribe assigned Patrick as their Ambassador and, before going to meet the Guntao tribe's Ambassador Laurent Boudes, Patrick asked his tribemates who they would want to be the Ambassadors' vote. All of the tribe agreed upon Grégoire Delachaux as their first pick because of his challenge prowess and poor sportsmanship during tribal challenges, with the exception of Érick due to his amity with Grégoire. At the Ambassadors' Meeting, when Laurent turned down Patrick's suggestion about Grégoire being the Ambassadors' vote, Patrick suggested Érick, who turned out to be the Batang tribe's second pick. Laurent was initially reluctant about this, but he was swayed when Patrick told him that Érick was "neither a Batang nor a Guntao" and that Laurent was Érick's first pick for the Ambassadors' vote. The evening after the tribes merged, when Érick learned why Laurent agreed upon his name, he told Laurent that Patrick was not telling the truth and that Kevin was his first pick. In response to Patrick's duplicity, the original Guntao tribe members planned to vote him out at the merged tribe's first Tribal Council for his duplicity and tried to convince Maryline and Simon to vote in a different direction than Érick. However, after Érick lost the first individual Immunity Challenge, Maryline and Simon remained loyal to the original Batang tribe members and sorrowfully contributed to eliminating Érick in a 6-5 vote.

Jade remained safe throughout most of the individual phase because her alliance pagonged the original Guntao tribe members. In spite of their differing allegiances, Jade became close with Grégoire and they related over their challenge prowess and their competitive spirit. Jade felt glad to be able to get to know Grégoire more as she realized that her first impressions of him, which were that he was an arrogant sore winner, were incorrect. At the Final Eight, Grégoire won the third individual Reward Challenge, with the reward being a box containing items from home, but Grégoire relinquished his reward so that Jade could have her box instead. In the third individual Immunity Challenge, Kevin and Jade outlasted Grégoire, but Kevin dropped out soon after and Jade won the challenge. As a result of Grégoire finally losing an individual Immunity Challenge and becoming vulnerable, the original Batang tribe members voted him out while they could at the merged tribe's third Tribal Council. The next day, on Day 29, Adrien Torrin quit the game in order for Grégoire to return to the game in his place as the former believed that the latter deserved a second chance. However, that cycle ended similarly to the previous one; Jade won the corresponding individual Immunity Challenge and Grégoire was voted out again.

At the Final Six, Patrick won the corresponding individual Immunity Challenge. Two days before the corresponding Tribal Council, the tribe received a letter which revealed that their letters from home were on a neighbouring island. They built a small raft and the they sent Laurent and Simon to retrieve the letters. Upon arriving on this island, Laurent and Simon discovered that it was bountiful in bananas and spent the night there before finding the letters the next morning. After reading their letters, they returned to camp without their tribemates' letters. This was because the pair proposed to their tribe that they all enlarge the raft and permanently move to the island where the letters are. At Tribal Council, Laurent, the last of the original Guntao tribe members, was voted out unanimously. At the Final Five, Simon won individual immunity and he and Maryline voted against Patrick at the corresponding Tribal Council because of Patrick's poor sportsmanship towards Maryline after he lost the most recent Reward Challenge. Meanwhile, Patrick and Kevin voted against Maryline because they felt that she was the least deserving of the five remaining contestants to continue. Jade, who was in the middle, initially voted against Kevin, which led to the first revote ever in Koh-Lanta taking place. Being forced to pick a side in the revote, Jade sorrowfully voted against Patrick as she knew that he would be her biggest threat.

Therefore, Jade made it to the finale and, when she won the Perch challenge at the Final Three, she chose to take her buddy Kevin to the Final Two over Maryline. There, they each received three votes to win and were both crowned the Dual Survivors of the season.

Voting History[]

Episode Jade's
Voted Against
1 Batang Tribe Immune
2 Pascale -
3 Marie-Laure -
4 Mélanie -
5 Batang Tribe Immune
6 Batang Tribe Immune
7 Érick -
8 Filomène -
9 Grégoire Individual Immunity
10 Laurent Individual Immunity
11 Laurent -
12 Kevin;
13 Maryline Individual Immunity
Jury Votes
for Jade
Érick, Maryline, Simon
Co-Dual Survivor, Day 40

Le Retour des Héros[]

For the first portion of the opening sudden death challenge, Jade was paired up with Moundir Zoughari. Jade and Moundir were the first pair to finish and, therefore, were safe. After the eliminations of Amel Fatnassi and Jean-Bernard Hauton-Arnaud, Jade and Moundir were assigned to the Tupan and Jacaré tribes, respectively. On the Tupan tribe, Jade bonded well with fellow Palawan contestant Filomène Mendonca and the pair worked strategically as a duo throughout the season. When the Tupan tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, which was also the first Reward Challenge, Denis Brogniart informed the Tupan tribe that they would have the opportunity to send two people, who ended up being Jade and Romuald Lafite, to retrieve fire for their tribe from a muddy lake later that night. Also, right after the tribe's defeat, Filomène called out Catherine Ehret-Mader as the weakest link of the challenge. Though they thought that Filomène was being too harsh on Catherine, the tribe's men ultimately agreed with her about Catherine back at camp. Conversely, Catherine and Jade believed that Jean-Luc Fiorina was the weakest link of the challenge and, eventually, Filomène changed her mind and agreed with them. Therefore, it was evident that the tribe's allegiances would be split along gender lines going into Tribal Council, with the men planning on voting against Catherine and the women planning on voting against Jean-Luc. However, not appreciating Filomène's sharp tongue, Jean-Luc and Tony Sanchez voted against her instead of Catherine at Tribal Council. Because Romuald was not aware of this new plan, Jean-Luc was ultimately voted out in a 3-2-1 vote.

When the Tupan tribe won the second Reward Challenge on Day 4, they were rewarded with the right to integrate either Amel or Jean-Bernard as a new member of the tribe. The Tupan tribe chose Jean-Bernard, bringing the tribe's numbers back up to six. With three of each gender on the new Tupan tribe, allegiances still seemed to be split along gender lines with Catherine, Jean-Bernard, and Tony being the tribe members most in danger of being voted out. However, this would not matter as the Tupan tribe won the rest of the tribal Immunity Challenges.

Before the tribes merged, Denis Brogniart informed both tribes separately that it was time for them to appoint Ambassadors. He also informed them that the power of the Ambassadors has increased: instead of casting a vote against someone, the Ambassadors have to eliminate someone. Furthermore, if the Ambassadors do not reach a consensus, they would have to opt for a rock draw in which one of them would be eliminated instead. Feeling indebted to her tribe for being the weakest link in challenges, Catherine volunteered to become the Ambassador for the Tupan tribe. At the Ambassadors' Meeting, Catherine met with fellow Panama contestant Philippe Bordier, who became the Ambassador for the Jacaré tribe after drawing the short straw in a straw draw for the position. Philippe and Catherine failed to convince one another to turn on one of their respective allies and, after the consequential rock draw, Philippe was eliminated from the game.

When the tribes merged, the second Tupan tribe members made plans to vote out François-David Cardonnel at the merged tribe's first Tribal Council. However, François-David won the first Immunity Challenge, which prompted the second Tupan tribe members to switch their target to Émilie Frahi in order to potentially throw François-David off of his game in the next cycle. After the challenge, Catherine became faint and had to be temporarily evacuated from the game. As the corresponding Tribal Council approached, the second Tupan tribe members at camp realized that they should target Clémence Castel instead of Émilie because Clémence had already won the game, unlike Émilie, and because Clémence was stronger than Émilie in challenges. Therefore, the second Tupan tribe members, with the exception of Catherine, who was at the infirmary, changed their plans and voted out Clémence instead. At the Final Eight, Tony told François-David that he felt that a man should win the season. Subsequently, within hours, the tribe seemed to be in a subtle battle of the sexes and, the next day, Catherine told Émilie that the women should vote out Jean-Bernard at the next Tribal Council because, of the remaining men, he joined the Tupan tribe later than its other members. Émilie informed François-David about this new idea, realizing that he and the women could pagong the other men over the next few cycles and, in turn, allow the two of them to make it deeper into the game. However, after François-David won the second individual Immunity Challenge, Denis Brogniart revealed to the tribe that, like once earlier in the season, Tribal Council would be taking place right there and then. With no opportunity to confirm the other plan, François-David and Émilie voted against Tony and the second Tupan tribe members voted out Émilie. At the Final Seven, Tony won the individual Immunity Challenge, but later forfeited the immunity totem because he felt like he didn't properly earn this victory because he asked Jade to throw it for him. In spite of this and the tribe being annoyed by Tony's antics at camp, the second Tupan tribe members eliminated the last of the original Jacaré members, François-David, with the exception of Jade who chose not to vote against François-David as a show of respect.

At the Final Six, Jade placed second in the first round of the third individual Reward Challenge, Buggin' Out, and advanced to the second round. For the second round, Romuald chose Catherine to be Jade's partner and Jade chose Tony to be Romuald's partner. Catherine and Jade lost this round and, in turn, the individual Reward Challenge. The next day, Jade won the fourth individual Immunity Challenge. At the corresponding Tribal Council, the women were unified in their votes, unlike the men, and they voted against Tony for his annoying behaviour and for his idea of an all-male alliance, eliminating him in a 3-1-1-1 vote. Going into the Final Five, Romuald, who shared Jade's hunger and passion to win competitions both inside and outside of the game, began to replace Catherine as the affiliate to Jade and Filomène's alliance. Jade's loved one for the fourth individual Reward Challenge, Choose Your Weapon, was her boyfriend Olivier. Romuald broke Jean-Bernard's arrow after winning the first round and, in turn, Catherine broke Romuald's arrow after winning the second round. When Romuald went to sit next to Jean-Bernard, the latter vented to the former that the contestants with significant others as their loved ones, Jade, Romuald, and himself, should have stuck together in the challenge. Overhearing this, Catherine and Filomène were annoyed and Catherine responded to Jean-Bernard that no loved one had priority over another. Ultimately, Filomène won the challenge. The next day, Jean-Bernard, who was in danger of being eliminated next, won the fifth individual Immunity Challenge. At the corresponding Tribal Council, Catherine was voted out unanimously as Romuald succeeded in solidifying his affiliation to Jade and Filomène better than Catherine did hers.

Having made it to the finale, Jade won the Perch challenge at the Final Three and took Romuald to the Final Two instead of Filomène. Filomène was taken aback by this decision, which Jade explained that she made because she felt that Romuald would be easier to beat at the Final Tribal Council. However, Filomène felt too hurt by Jade to remain her friend and voted for Romuald at the Final Tribal Council out of bitterness towards Jade. Ironically, Jade lost to Romuald in a 5-2 vote as the latter had built stronger bonds with most of the jury than the former had.

Voting History[]

Episode Jade's
Voted Against
1 Jean-Luc -
2 Tupan Tribe Immune
3 Tupan Tribe Immune
4 Clémence -
5 Émilie -
6 François-David Individual Immunity
7 Tony Individual Immunity
8 Catherine -
9 Filomène Individual Immunity
Jury Votes
for Jade
Catherine, Tony
Runner-Up, Day 21

La Légende[]

Voting History[]

Episode Jade's
Voted Against
1 Clémence -
2 Cindy Individual Immunity
3 Korok Tribe Immune
4 Laurent Alix, Laurent
5 Korok Tribe Immune
6 Korok Tribe Immune
8 Ineligible -
Alix -
9 Alix -
10 Laurent Ugo, Penalty
12 Alix Phil, Ugo
13 Ugo +
Claude, Ugo
14 Lost Challenge
Eliminated, Day 34
Voted for
Sole Survivor


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Koh-Lanta: Palawan Castaways
FRS7 adrien t
FRS7 ali t
FRS7 chloe t
FRS7 erick t
FRS7 filomene t
FRS7 gregoire t
FRS7 jade t
FRS7 kevin t
FRS7 laurent t
FRS7 marielaure t
FRS7 maryline t
FRS7 melanie t
FRS7 pascale t
FRS7 patrick t
FRS7 simon t
FRS7 veronique t
Koh-Lanta: Le Retour des Héros Castaways
No tribe
FRS9 amel t
FRS9 catherine t
FRS9 christelle t
FRS9 clemence t
FRS9 emilie t
FRS9 filomene t
FRS9 francoisdavid t
FRS9 jade t
FRS9 jeanbernard t
FRS9 jeanluc t
FRS9 moundir t
FRS9 philippe t
FRS9 romuald t
FRS9 tony t
Koh-Lanta: La Légende Castaways
FRS27 alexandra t
FRS27 alix t
FRS27 candice t
FRS27 christelle t
FRS27 cindy t
FRS27 claude t
FRS27 clemence t
FRS27 clementine t
FRS27 coumba t
FRS27 freddy t
FRS27 jade t
FRS27 karima t
FRS27 laurent t
FRS27 loic t
FRS27 maxime t
FRS27 namadia t
FRS27 patrick t
FRS27 phil t
FRS27 sam t
FRS27 teheiura t
FRS27 ugo t