Prior to the vote, Jonathan LaPaglia announced that the Rebels who received votes would be eligible to be switched to the Titans. The votes came back 4-3 between Rianna and Alex; both players drew rocks to determine who would be switched to the Titans. In the end, Alex drew the blue rock and joined the Titans.
Immunity Challenge:Hangover Tribe members would stand on an A-frame, supporting themselves on footholds and by holding a long rope. At regular intervals, the castaways would move higher up the A-frame. If at any point their foot falls below the boundary line, they will be eliminated. The last person standing wins for their tribe. Winner:Titans
(voting against Rianna) Ri-Ri… your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the Titans tribe, gather all the information you can, and report back to us. This will self-destruct in 3 seconds.
(voting against Alex) I'm glad you're not going home brother, but… I really hope you end up staying. I didn't want to write your name, but...I'm just glad you're not going home.