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It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever is the fifth episode of Survivor: Edge of Extinction.


Day 12[]

S38 rick t
I was voted out last night. Thought I was going home, eating a burger, drinking a beer and I get thrown on the Edge of Extinction with three people who are so happy I failed. Everything about Edge of Extinction starting with that big mast, just says "you don't want to be here", "you're not going to enjoy yourself", "it's gonna suck", but to me it's just another test put in front of you where it's like, do you have the fortitude to go into something you know nothing about, and see it through, and come out on top.
S38 kelley t
God, like how bad can we be? You know, when you're putting David who basically acts like a female, I mean he weighs less than me. It's basically like we have three girls and Wardog, so I'm just trying to figure out what to do because we can't win anything.
S38 julia t
Winning that reward just showed us once again that the Kama tribe is a force to be reckoned with in this game. We are completely dominating and we're all on this winning streak. However, it is in the back of my mind that Joe's the biggest threat in the game right now, so I would rather get him out of this game sooner rather than later.
S38 joe t
We're all love and sunshine and sprinkles and rainbows right now on Kama strong, but it's pretty obvious that I'm a big target and that I'm a challenge beast so it sucks. It's really difficult to try to shake that stigma so I'm just trying to do anything I can to uh make it comfortable to my tribemates, make them feel like they need me so that I'm not the one going home.
S38 ron t
I'm in a good situation game-wise, and since day one, I kept telling everyone we have to get rid of Joe but now I have another consideration. Joe is a work force. I mean, he knows everything, and a lot of people on our tribe do not. We're not catching the fish, and we're not getting all the food. We don't know what to do and so I'm starting to realize I don't like the thought without Joe. I think I'll be miserable.
S38 julie t
Joe cannot go too far in this game. That's a no-brainer. And I'm very concerned that the four returning are all still in the game. If you don't get rid of returning players, by the time the merge hits, they could end up running away with the whole thing. So, if we're to lose immunity, Joe has to go now.
S38 eric t
Peanut butter and jelly, you get something like a flavor change, some protein. It's pretty good but I'm just so hungry today. Today's the first day I'm like pretty hungry.
S38 eric t
Wendy doesn't want us to eat the chickens, so they're free range. (chicken screeches) They're part of the island. I feel like working with Wendy would be more like carrying around an alarm clock but you have no clue when it's going to go off. But there's an issue of the returners. The longer they're in the game, the more dangerous it gets. So like all things in this game, it's a balancing act.
S38 aubry t
We're on the Survivor waiting room right now on the Manu tribe. We haven't gone to Tribal yet. Nothing's happened and we're talking about chickens. It's so frustrating, like Survivor- hey. (chicken screeches as it walks into the frame) There are many ghosts in the jungle in Fiji. I am dying to play. I came in aggressive. I found my idol and I kind of simmered down. Now we gotta heat the dish back up. So what I'm trying to do is figure out who the strategists are and find myself one that is going to be able to wake up from the Kama cult Kool-Aid, and do something about everything come the merge.
S38 victoria t
I think it's in our best interest to get rid of Aubry first when she doesn't see it coming. As a person I really like Aubry but for me, it might sound bad but I have like no problem separating friendships from the game. Like I don't really care about how people feel out here, but now I have to keep Aubry thinking that I'm on her side.
S38 aubry t
Victoria said we have to go after the big boys sooner or later and I was psyched to hear her say that. Vic was just under my nose. She's been sneaky awake the whole time. Those glasses may be big. Maybe I didn't see her eyes open.
S38 david t
This tribe is so on the edge of extinction that scientists stopped looking for us. They already think we're dead. We're like the last four dodo birds living on a remote island, and I think I'm next should we lose the next Immunity Challenge. But if I know my Survivor history at all, there's absolutely a new Hidden Immunity Idol on the Lesu tribe, so finding it is critical because I need it bad. I look around like all my peers back home and you know, they're married and they have kids and it's something that's kind of escaped me for years. I'm 44 years old and all I have is a two-bedroom apartment and some, some DVD's on a shelf. But I need to shake that. I need to shake that in my life, I need to shake that in this game. It wasn't until I played Survivor the first time that I really started to get up off the couch and start living my life again and it's time to build on that and move forward rather than just stay in this one spot. So I absolutely want to find the Hidden Immunity Idol and I keep looking and I keep coming up short but I will never give up in this game.
S38 lauren t
Even though I have been so sick, luckily Wardog is on my side, Kelley is on my side, and I have an idol from the original Manu beach. So if we go to another Tribal, it's gonna be David.
S38 kelley t
Wardog is a crazy man. I think he has a little Tony in him, a little Tony Vlachos in the Wardog, but if we do lose, which seems to be a trend on this tribe, it's always important to have an A, B, and C plan. I do have a great relationship with Lauren and I want to work with her, but I feel like Wardog has been truthful with me so far, he's been the one that's come to me with ideas and desperate times calls for desperate maysures so I have to figure out a game plan that is going to work for me moving forward. It's Survivor and it's kill or be killed.

Day 13[]

S38 keith t
On the Edge of Extinction, you have literally nothing. So as soon as Chris came around … with that box, I instantly you know, I just like freaked. Like this is something new, some more information. Just like someway or somehow, something is going to happen in my favour.
S38 rick t
I figured the map out really quickly. The stars on the border match up with each other and you can see that it makes the arrow point right to this tree with no leaves. Then on the other side, this arrow point to this tree with lots of different roots. So it might be my proudest moment on Survivor so far.
S38 keith t
Rick figured out the map. To be honest I wasn't going to figure out that map. That whole folding the thing together, never would've happened. Everyone was like, we're going to go up there fair and square. I was like, "What?!" I was like that's not going to happen!
S38 chris t
I look in the tree, I pull out three bamboo rods. There's string attached to these rods, and this note – "Practice". This is the first exciting clue to what we're doing next. My guess, it's gotta be something to practice with to get back into the game. My move is to be that person.
S38 rick t
Chris ran to one tree and I ran to another and we had the advantages in our hands. So I found an advantage that I can give one person heading to Tribal Council an Extra Vote. Whoever gets this vote, they have no idea the Edge of Extinction exists. It's a wake-up call that we're on the Edge of Extinction but we're not out of the game so I'm playing out here now.
S38 victoria t
Right now we do all have a common goal. Like we all think Aubry needs to go but I still think we are making a big move and big moves are always risky so I'm just going to really pick and choose my words carefully to not over- or underexpose what's really happening.
S38 aubry t
Going to Tribal, I know the drill, and it was almost surreal coming back from losing the challenge, because the four original Kama came together at it just seems so easy.
S38 aubry t
The plan is to vote out Wendy but I was talking to Victoria yesterday and she said "do we go for one of the big guys right now?"
S38 aubry t
Having Wendy right now is an opportunity to do something. There are three girls, two guys, I know Vic and I are good right now.
S38 aubry t
We weigh the pros and cons. Do we work with Wendy right now and take out an Eric or a Gavin? I mean, Eric – he's going to be a threat at the merge. We might not be able to get him out physically. Do we take our hit now while we have Wendy?
S38 aubry t
Wendy can't make a decision. It is incredibly difficult to get even an opinion out of her and if you can't give an opinion when your neck is on the line and there's four original tribemates against you, I don't know how I can work with you for the rest of the game. The decision for me is a big decision as it is forging an alliance for me, but nobody's seen any game yet. I don't know who these people are as players so the idol's always a factor for me and I'm walking around with my bag making sure I got a good little spot for my Hidden Immunity Idol to nestle before going to Tribal and… there's an envelope.
S38 aubry t
Someone in the game is looking out for me. I want to know who it is because that's someone on my side. This Extra Vote changes everything. I mean do I use it now and knock out Eric or do I save it post-merge and use it when the numbers get funky? I'm not good with this power stuff. I'm used to playing from behind and I don't know how to play when I have cards in my hand. When I got the royal flush, I don't know what the hell to do. Like I have alliances starting, I feel good with Vic but I almost don't know what to do when something somewhat positive happens in this game. Like I have choices to make with big things and I feel like that means that I'm going to be voted out tonight. But maybe that's not the mentality to have. Every time I try to do something in Survivor, something goes wrong, like maybe I have to have a little faith that maybe just a little bitty thing can go right.

Day 14[]

S38 aubry t
I woke up and none of this was a dream. I got burned real hard last night. I truly was blindsided in epic fashion with an idol and an Extra Vote in my pocket. It's like J.T.-style embarrassment. I'm completely in an utter state of shock and it's hard to know how to play when you don't even know what the ending is. You don't have information. You are with angry people, and you don't know if you're playing a game or if you're in a big waiting room, but I never give up. For me, as soon as it hits the rock bottom, that's my favorite part because I know it can only go up. I strive from pulling myself up from the bottom and that's what I'm gonna do.

Day 16[]


Challenge: True Grit
Each tribe must race through a rope ramble to get to a gate with two bolas tied to it. They must then go under a bamboo crawl to get another two bolas. At the end of the course, each tribe must land all four bolas on a set of poles, with each member being required to land one bola. The first two tribes to get all four bolas on their poles win.
Reward: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, jar of peanut butter, jar of jelly, a loaf of bread, and ice cold milk (1st place); Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (2nd place)
Winners (in order of finish): Kama and Manu

Challenge: A Bit Dinghy
One at a time, each tribe member must swim out to a ramp, where two of them must dive to release two buoy puzzle pieces. Once they have their puzzle pieces, they must pull a pontoon to a platform, where they must use the two pieces they collected, and another two pieces on the platform, to build a buoy pyramid. The first two tribes to finish their pyramid win.
Winners (in order of finish): Kama and Lesu

Challenge: Rod Screw It
Each tribe must hop over a series of tables, then untie rope to release a lever. Pulling the lever will release sandbags, which tribes will need to collect. Using the small sandbags, they must then hit a spinning target, raising a flag. The first two tribes to raise both of their flags win.
Reward: Pastries, cookies, coffee, and tea (1st place); Coffee and cookies (2nd place)
Winners (in order of finish): Kama and Manu

Challenge: In Through the Out Door
Each tribe must climb a ladder and maneuver a bag through a bamboo frame. Once they have the bag free, they need to untie it to retrieve a monkey's fist. They must then get the monkey's fist through a hoop to release a gate. Once past the gate, tribes will need to solve a slide puzzle. The first tribe to finish their puzzle wins.
Additional Stipulation: Only the first place tribe will win immunity.
Winner: Kama

Edge of Extinction[]

Days 12-14[]

Edge of Extinction Inhabitants
S38 chris tS38 keith tS38 reem tS38 rick t
Chris, Keith, Reem, Rick

Days 14-16[]

Edge of Extinction Inhabitants
S38 aubry tS38 chris t
S38 keith tS38 reem tS38 rick t
Aubry, Chris, Keith, Reem, Rick

Tribal Council[]

Day 13[]

Tribal Council 5:
S38 aubry t
Aubry (4 votes)
S38 eric tS38 gavin tS38 victoria tS38 wendy t
Eric, Gavin, Victoria, Wendy
S38 wendy t
Wendy (1 vote)
S38 aubry t
S38 aubry t
Aubry Bracco
(goes to Edge of Extinction)

Voting Confessionals[]

No voting confessionals were aired this episode.

Day 16[]

Tribal Council 6:
Lesu & Manu
S38 lauren t
Lauren (4 votes)
S38 eric tS38 gavin tS38 victoria tS38 wendy t
Eric, Gavin, Victoria, Wendy
S38 wendy t
Wendy (4 votes)
S38 david tS38 kelley tS38 lauren tS38 wardog t
David, Kelley, Lauren, Wardog
S38 lauren tS38 wendy t
Lauren, Wendy (4 votes each)

(Lauren and Wendy ineligible to vote)
S38 wendy t
Wendy (6 votes)
S38 david tS38 eric tS38 gavin t
S38 kelley tS38 victoria tS38 wardog t
David, Eric, Gavin, Kelley, Victoria, Wardog
S38 lauren t
Lauren (0 votes)
S38 wendy t
Wendy Diaz
(goes to Edge of Extinction)

Voting Confessionals[]

No voting confessionals were aired this episode.

Still in the Running[]

On Edge
S38 reem t
On Edge
S38 keith t
On Edge
S38 chris t
On Edge
S38 rick t
On Edge
S38 aubry t
On Edge
S38 wendy t
S38 aurora t
S38 david t
S38 eric t
S38 gavin t
S38 joe t
S38 julia t
S38 julie t
S38 kelley t
S38 lauren t
S38 ron t
S38 victoria t
S38 wardog t


Secret Scenes[]

  • Losing Your Mind[2]
  • Extended Scene[3]

Behind the Scenes[]


  • No footage from Day 15 was shown in the episode.
  • The name for the Day 12 Reward Challenge references the 1968 novel True Grit or its two film adaptations in 1969 and 2010.
  • The name for the Day 16 Immunity Challenge, In Through the Out Door, comes from the final Led Zeppelin album of the same name.


Survivor: Edge of Extinction Episodes
"It Smells Like Success" · "One of Us Is Going to Win the War" · "Betrayals Are Going to Get Exposed" · "I Need a Dance Partner" · "It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever" · "There's Always a Twist" · "I'm the Puppet Master" · "Y'all Making Me Crazy" · "Blood of a Blindside" · "Fasten Your Seatbelts" · "Awkward" · "Idol or Bust" · "I See the Million Dollars" · "Reunion"