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Isabelle Gagnon is a contestant from Survivor Québec (2023).


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Age: 52
Emplacement: Terrebonne
Occupation: Entrepreneure en services financiers

Isabelle est la doyenne des femmes de Survivor Québec. Aventurière, femme d'affaires et grande sportive, c'est une fonceuse et rien ne peut l'arrêter. Que ce soit en faisant le tour du monde avec ses trois enfants et son conjoint ou en traversant l'Atlantique en voilier à travers les tempêtes, Isabelle est toujours à fond dans ses divers projets. Elle admire les femmes d'affaires qui osent et qui n'ont pas peur du leadership féminin. Ne l'est-elle pas elle-même en étant associée avec son conjoint pour une compagnie en finance? Malgré tout cela, elle s'efforce de trouver l'équilibre dans sa vie![2]

Survivor Québec[]

Isabelle was placed on the Tiyaga tribe. The Tiyaga tribe found themselves in a winning streak early on and won the first two reward challenges, giving its members great bonding opportunities. Seen as a motherly figure on the tribe, Isabelle was well liked by her tribemates, but she was not included in the majority alliance led by Christophe Tiffet. After the Tiyaga tribe lost the second Immunity Challenge, Isabelle's perception as a weaker challenge performer made her the main target going into the corresponding Tribal Council. Fortunately for her, when people started to whisper to each other to confirm this vote, Joël Dandurand joined in and suddenly successfully turned the tides against Simon Paradis-Lacroix in an attempt to save her.

The Tiyaga tribe continued to win reward challenges over the next couple of cycles, but failed to win the fourth Immunity Challenge. Meanwhile, Isabelle's social position didn't improve and she remained on the outs alongside Joël and Johannie Thériault, putting the trio, especially Isabelle, in danger. In an attempt to get the target off of her back while keeping this trio intact, Isabelle publicly criticized Sango Bien-Aimé for seemingly dancing while doing his part in the fourth Immunity Challenge, claiming that this hindered things. Ironically, all this seemed to do was confirm to everyone that they should stick with eliminating Isabelle and Johannie even agreed to receive a few votes against herself as part of a split vote plan in an attempt to show her loyalty to the majority alliance. At Tribal Council, all votes but Isabelle's were split between Isabelle and Johannie, with Isabelle receiving the most votes as intended and being voted out.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Tiyaga Race to Shore/Losing Face Reward No Won
Rock n' Roll Immunity No Won
3 Nut Bucket Reward No Won
5 Sumo at Sea Immunity No Lost
7 Blind Cube Crisis Reward/Immunity No Won
9 Brain Food Reward No Won
11 Mazed and Confused Immunity No Lost
Voted Out, Day 10

Episode Isabelle's
Voted Against
1 Tiyaga Tribe Immune
6 Simon -
7 Tiyaga Tribe Immune
12 Sango Joël, Johannie,
Kimberly, Marika, Sandrine
Voted Out, Day 10


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Survivor Québec (2023) Castaways
QCS1 christophe t
QCS1 denis t
QCS1 isabelle t
QCS1 jeanjunior t
QCS1 joel t
QCS1 johannie t
QCS1 justine t
QCS1 karine t
QCS1 kimberly t
QCS1 marika t
QCS1 martin t
QCS1 martine t
QCS1 maryse t
QCS1 nicolas t
QCS1 pierrealexandre t
QCS1 sandrine t
QCS1 sango t
QCS1 simon t
QCS1 sylvain t
QCS1 vicky t