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I Am Goliath Strong is the third episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath.


Night 6

The David tribe quietly returns to camp from Tribal Council after blindsiding Jessica.

S37 davie t
There was absolutely tension when we get back from Tribal Council because me, Bi and Carl were blindsided. I got to give it to them though; it was great game play. They played me. Luckily, I have the Hidden Immunity Idol right now and it's something that can save me but being left out of the vote; I'm shocked.

Davie pulls Christian aside to ask why he betrayed him. Christian understands Davie's frustrations but he explains it was Gabby who convinced him and Nick to flip on Jessica. After his conversation with Davie, Christian runs to Nick to congratulate him for the success of their "Mason-Dixon" alliance.

S37 davie t
Gabby! She's a smart one man! She's manipulative. She was able to persuade both Nick and Christian, two of my top guys, to vote against me. So she's the one you have to watch out for, man!
S37 nick t
Mason-Dixon just pulled the best move we could possibly pull because we were right in the middle, right where we want to be. We got the girls who think we are in a five person alliance with them but then we got Bi and Davie and Carl who were completely blindsided and don't want to go home. So that puts the Mason-Dixon Line right in the middle. The beauty of the situation is that nobody suspects me and Christian were actually behind this. I want to make them think it’s Gabby's fault that Jessica's gone but the truth is, if we lose again, Mason-Dixon is going to decide who goes home again.

Carl sits alone by the beach and turns emotional over the loss of his close ally and daughter figure in Jessica; which makes him miss home more.

S37 carl t
I didn't expect this game to be this hard. Jess was kind of like a daughter to me. She was a little sweetheart. Losing my number one ally, it really made me miss home. I love my family dearly and all of a sudden they're gone and you feel almost all alone but, being a David, I always came from the bottom and worked for everything that I have so I really have to turn it up one more notch.

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9


Reward/Immunity Challenge: Tangled Up in Blue
One member of each tribe would have to untangle a rope. Then, three members would have to work together untangle three ropes. Following this, two members of each tribe would attempt to use the ropes to lasso and pull in a platform on which two members will build a four-piece pyramid puzzle. The first tribe to finish their puzzle wins.
Reward: Pillows, blankets, and chairs
Winner: David

Tribal Council

Tribal Council 2:
S37 jeremy t
Jeremy (9 votes)
S37 alec tS37 alison tS37 angelina tS37 dan t
S37 john tS37 kara tS37 mike tS37 natalia tS37 natalie t
Alec, Alison, Angelina, Dan, John, Kara, Mike, Natalia, Natalie
S37 natalie t
Natalie (1 vote)
S37 jeremy t
S37 jeremy bw
Jeremy Crawford

Voting Confessionals

(voting against Jeremy) You talked that brother-sister love stuff, and you showed me no love. So that stinging sensation you feel in your eyes right now? That's the Natalie napalm. Get off of my island. By the way, your skin is gorgeous, darling.


Final Words

I'm proud of the game I played, you know, and I'm proud of the connections I made. Natalie, what I did for you was try to help you understand a little bit about how you're being perceived. And, if you receive it, great. You know, I learned more about who I am, so for me it's kinda a win. But if you gotta go home, go home on a cold, rainy night.

Jeremy Crawford

Still in the Running

S37 pat bw
S37 jessica bw
S37 jeremy bw
S37 alec t
S37 alison t
S37 angelina t
S37 bi t
S37 carl t
S37 christian t
S37 dan t
S37 davie t
S37 elizabeth t
S37 gabby t
S37 john t
S37 kara t
S37 lyrsa t
S37 mike t
S37 natalia t
S37 natalie t
S37 nick t


Secret Scene

  • Jeremy Asks for the Jacket: The scene opens up with a confessional about how Natalie has never liked Jeremy, believing he was too cocky and arrogant. As Natalie is sitting on a log, Jeremy walked over to her and asked that in the event that she left that night, that she will him her coat.[2]

Behind the Scenes



Survivor: David vs. Goliath Episodes
"Appearances Are Deceiving" · "The Chicken Has Flown the Coop" · "I Am Goliath Strong" · "Time to Bring About the Charmpocalypse" · "Jackets and Eggs" · "Aren't Brochachos Just Adorable?" · "There's Gonna Be Tears Shed" · "You Get What You Give" · "Breadth-First Search" · "Tribal Lines Are Blurred" · "So Smart They're Dumb" · "Are You Feeling Lucky?" · "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" · "Reunion"