Hrvoje Habdija is a contestant from Survivor: Dominikanska Republika.
On Day 14, four new casatways were added to the game. Hrvoje joined Azua alongside Nevena Blanuša. They both displayed strenght in challenges, but having joined so late into the game, the original members of Azua mostly stuck together. At the first Tribal Council he attended, he received 3 votes, though he was spared over Kristian Rauch for the sake of tribal unity. He was caught in a tie at the next Tribal Council he attended with another controversial member, Roko Simić, and when the revote nearly ended in a deadlock, he lost by one vote when Goran Špaleta changed his vote to only send one member to the Duel. In said Duel, Hrvoje dropped out and was eliminated from the game.
Retrieved from[1]
"Očekujem puno smijeha, veselja i uzbuđenja, a cilj mi je dati sve od sebe!" "Vedar sam, avanturističkog duha, uvijek u portazi za novim iskustvima, znanjem i veseljem! Optimistično realističan." "Svatko ima svoju viziju mene, ali generalno sam čvrstoga stava, pravedan i suosjećajan." "Pokreće me ljubav prema samome životu i onome što pruža, a pruža toliko da mi ni 3 života ne bi bila dosta!" "Veselim se svim izazovima u kojima ću se pronači!" "Pozitivan stav i želja za izazovom su moji najveći aduti!" "Najviše se bojim ozlijeda!" "Psiho-fizička sprema je bitna, ali rekao bih da je najbitnija moć adaptacije!"
Životni moto: "If you don't take risks, you can't create a future!"
On Day 14, the tribes showed up to the challenge area not expecting anything unusual. However, the hosts announced that four new castaways would be joining the competition, two per tribe. Azua was joined by Hrvoje Habdija and Nevena Blanuša. They made a good first impression when Azua won the challenge. At camp, Hrvoje proved to be an eccentric personality, contrasting with Nevena's more laid back personality. While Azua won both of the Immunity Challenges this cycle, they weren't so fortunate next cycle, winning only one challenge. At Tribal Council, some of Azua didn't feel comfortable voting against players who've been on the tribe the whole game, resulting in Nevena getting one vote and Hrvoje getting three. They were both spared, however, in place of the contentious Kristian Rauch, who was nominated in a 4-3-1-1 vote, and lost the duel.
On Day 26, Azua was joined by Ivana Peček, to replace the medically evacuated Ivana Banfić. She was given immunity from the first Tribal Council she attended, and the only other newbie, Nevena, won individual immunity. At Tribal Council, Hrvoje was caught in a 5-5 tie with Roko Simić. On the revote, Goran Špaleta changed his vote to make sure only one member of the tribe would go into the duel. In said duel, Hrvoje felt that he didn't belong in the tribe, dropping out and going home in 20th place.
Voting History[]
Episode | Hrvoje's Votes |
Voted Against Hrvoje |
Entered the Game, Day 14 | ||
13 | Azua Tribe Immune | |
15 | Azua Tribe Immune | |
18 | Kristian | Kristian, Nika, Sumejja |
19 | Azua Tribe Immune | |
23 | Roko | Ivana P., Roko, Sumejja, Tena, Viktor; Goran, Ivana P., Sumejja, Tena, Viktor1 |
Nominated, Day 26 | ||
24 | Azua Tribe Immune | |
Lost Duel, Day 28 |
^1 In episode 23, the vote ended with a 5-5 tie between Hrvoje and Roko, forcing a revote. Goran changed his vote to Hrvoje.
Survivor: Dominikanska Republika Castaways | ||||||||||||||||||
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