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Helena Roosen is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Le Feu Sacré.


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Helena, 27 ans
Kinésithérapeute, Belgique

En Belgique, Helena est à la tête d'un centre paramédical, médical, et sportif, qu'elle a créé avec son frère jumeau. Elle est kiné, spécialiste du sport, et coach sportive. Helena se sent bien dans sa tête et dans son corps, et sait qu'elle a tout pour réussir. Dotée d'une grande confiance en elle, elle est très compétitrice et a plus un penchant pour les sports individuels que ceux en équipe. Très famille, Helena veut savoir si elle peut se débrouiller seule, loin des siens et de son cocon.[1]


Nicolas Pretot and Helena were the male and female winners of the opening challenge, with the former being the overall winner. In consequence, they became the captains of the Paniman and Tinago tribes, respectively, and got to pick their tribemates. The Tinago tribe had a mixed start and, though Helena was strong in challenges, her prior comments implying that excelling in challenges was the main reason for competing gave some of her tribemates an arrogant impression of her. Fortunately, Helena was able to make solid connections and this negative reception eventually faded away.

At the Final Sixteen, a tribe switch took place and Helena was assigned by Rudy Noël to be a member of the second Tinago tribe. On the second Tinago tribe, the original Paniman tribe members and the original Tinago tribe members found themselves equal in numbers, however, the majority of both groups were united in fearing that Tania Cakarevic and Rudy had gotten too close to each other for comfort. In turn, Helena joined this majority in voting out Tania and Rudy at the Tinago tribe's next two Tribal Councils. For the remainder of the tribal phase, the Tinago tribe did not attend anymore Tribal Councils and Helena remained safe. Before the merge, Helena won a reward challenge for the Tinago tribe by being the last person remaining and, for her individual feat, she became the final possessor of the Sacred Fire Talisman and became immune from being eliminated by the Ambassadors.

At the merged tribe's first Tribal Council, Helena used the Sacred Fire Talisman on herself, but did not nullify any votes as none were cast against her and Anne-Sophie Antoine was eliminated instead. Going into the next cycle, a target emerged on the back of Clémence Noquet due to her recent strong showings in challenges. Unfortunately for Helena, Clémence won the corresponding individual Immunity Challenge and so the aforementioned target shifted onto Helena's back. Helena succeeded in securing a few votes against Tania, who had returned to the game earlier during the tribal phase, but the majority alliance that had voted out Anne-Sophie just before promptly voted out Helena at Tribal Council.

Voting History[]

Episode Helena's
Voted Against
1 Tinago Tribe Immune
2 Emin -
3 Alexandre -
4 Tania -
5 Rudy -
6 Tinago Tribe Immune
7 Tinago Tribe Immune
8 Ineligible Individual Immunity
9 Julie -1
10 Tania Esteban, Gilles, Julie (x2),
Laura, Nicolas, Tania
Voted Out, Day 26
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In Episode 9, Helena used a Sacred Fire Talisman, but did not negate any votes against her.


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  • Helena is the youngest member of the original Tinago tribe and the only member under the age of 30.


Koh-Lanta: Le Feu Sacré Castaways
FRS29 Alexandre t
FRS29 Anne-Sophie t
FRS29 Benjamin t
FRS29 Célia t
FRS29 Christine t
FRS29 Clémence t
FRS29 Elodie t
FRS29 Emin t
FRS29 Esteban t
FRS29 Frédéric t
FRS29 Gilles t
FRS29 Grâce t
FRS29 Helena t
FRS29 Julie t
FRS29 Laura t
FRS29 Martin t
FRS29 Nicolas t
FRS29 Quentin t
FRS29 Rudy t
FRS29 Tania t