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For the Gaia tribe from Survivor 43, see Gaia.

Gaia is the merged tribe of Amazonas and Koi from Survivor, la isla de los famosos. Their tribe color is green.


 Aco Pérez
COS7 aco t
 Camilo Pardo
COS7 camilop t
 Catalina Londoño
COS7 catalina t
 Eléider Álvarez
COS7 eleider t
 Federico Rivera
COS7 federico t
 Juan del Mar
COS7 juand t
 Juan Palau
COS7 juanp t
 Leo Cocinero
COS7 leo t
 Lina Real
COS7 lina t
 Margarita Reyes
COS7 margarita t
 Tania Valencia
COS7 taniav t

Tribe History[]

Challenge History[]

Cycle Episode Challenge Challenge Type Winner Eliminated
10 46 Push Me, Pull You Leadership Tania V. No Elimination
48 I Hold On Immunity Tania V.
49 Leo
10th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 36
11 50 Chimney Sweep Leadership Catalina No Elimination
51 Angry Chair Reward Camilo P., Eléider,
Federico, Lina, Tania V.
53 Living Color Immunity Camilo P.
54 Lina
11th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 39
12 55 Memory Leadership Camilo P. No Elimination
56 Basket Case Reward Aco, Camilo P.,
Juan P., Tania V.
(no vote)
3rd Jury Member5
Day 40
57 Wizard's Staff Immunity Camilo P.
No Elimination
59 Tania V.
12th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 41
13 The Game Is Afoot Leadership Catalina
Camilo P.
60 Jail Break Reward Camilo P.
[Catalina, Federico]
No Elimination
62 Get a Grip Immunity Catalina
63 Federico
13th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 43
14 64 Survivor Auction No Elimination
(No Title) Reward Camilo P.
66 Coat of Arms Immunity Camilo P.
68 Catalina
14th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 45
15 70 Station By Station Reward Camilo P.
[Juan P.]
No Elimination
72 Head Long Flight Immunity Camilo P.
74 Eléider
15th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 47
16 78 Simmotion Immunity Camilo P. No Elimination
79 Juan P.
(no vote)7
8th Jury Member
Day 48
17 83 Jury Vote Aco
Second Runner-Up
Camilo P.
Juan D.
Sole Survivor
^1 Federico used the 50/50 Coin advantage; however, no votes were cast against him.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^3 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^4 All votes cast were negated, causing a null vote. Per the rules of Survivor, a vote restart occurred.
^5 Due to medical reasons related to her injury, Margarita was removed from the jury and did not cast a vote at the Final Tribal Council.
^6 Camilo P. gave up his immunity to Federico at Tribal Council.
^7 Instead of a traditional vote, the winner of the Immunity Challenge, Camilo P., would choose someone to take with them to the Final Three. He chose Aco. The remaining two castaways, Juan D. and Juan P., would compete in a fire-making challenge to determine the last finalist.

Voting History[]

Merged Tribe
Cycle 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Episode 49 54 56 59 63 68 75 79 83
Voted Out COS7 leo t
Null COS7 lina t
COS7 margarita t
COS7 taniav t
Tania V.
COS7 federico t
COS7 catalina t
COS7 eleider t
COS7 juanp t
Juan P.
COS7 aco t
COS7 camilop t
Camilo P.
COS7 juand t
Juan D.
Vote 5-3-1-1-01,2 0-02,3,4 6-4 No vote5 6-23 5-0 2-02,3 4-1 No vote10 4-3-0
Juan D. Leo Tania V. Margarita Tania V.7 None8 Eléider Eléider Jury Vote
Camilo P. Juan D. Tania V. Lina Tania V.6 Federico Eléider Eléider
Tania V.6 Eléider9
Aco Lina Tania V. Lina Tania V. Federico Eléider Eléider
Juan P. Juan D. Tania V. Margarita Tania V. Federico Eléider Eléider Eliminated Camilo P.
Eléider Leo Tania V. Margarita Tania V. None8 Catalina Juan D. Juan D.
Catalina Juan D. Juan D. Lina Juan D. Federico6 Eléider Camilo P.
Federico Leo Tania V. Lina Tania V. None7 Juan D.
Tania V. Leo Juan D. Lina Juan D. Camilo P.
Margarita Eléider Juan D. Lina Evacuated None11
Lina Leo Tania V. Margarita Juan D.
Leo Margarita Juan D.
^1 Federico used the 50/50 Coin advantage; however, no votes were cast against him.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^3 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^4 All votes cast were negated, causing a null vote. Per the rules of Survivor, a vote restart occurred.
^5 Margarita was medically evacuated due to a knee ligament injury. No vote occurred for her removal.
^6 This castaway used the Vote Steal advantage, allowing them to steal another castaway's vote to vote twice at Tribal Council.
^7 This castaway's vote was stolen by the Vote Steal.
^8 This castaway's vote was blocked by a Vote Blocker.
^9 This castaway played an Extra Vote advantage, allowing them to vote twice at Tribal Council.
^10 Instead of a traditional vote, the person who won the Immunity Challenge, Camilo P., would take someone with them to the Final Three. He chose Aco. The remaining two castaways, Juan D. and Juan P., would compete in a fire-making challenge to determine the last finalist.
^11 Due to medical reasons related to her injury, Margarita was removed from the jury and did not cast a vote at the Final Tribal Council.



