Competing in teams, castaways will be tethered to each other as they negotiate an obstacle course. At the end of the course, they will attempt to land sandbags on a target, or use sandbags to knock over a series of targets. The first team to complete their task wins.
The challenge debuted as a post-merge Reward Challenge in Game Changers, with the family visit on the line. The Maku Maku tribe was divided into three teams of three players tethered to each other. Each team would start the challenge in the water, making their way across a series of obstacles back to shore, dig their way under a log in the sand, and unbraid ropes to release a key that unlocks a chest of sandbags. They will then use the sandbags to knock over a pyramid of blocks. The team of Andrea Boehlke, Aubry Bracco, and Brad Culpepper held a consistent lead throughout the challenge, and Brad's skilled showing at the sandbag toss clinched them the victory.
In Island of the Idols, the challenge was again used ahead of the family visit, where the castaways were tethered in pairs and had to race across a series of obstacles while collecting a sandbag along the way, with the first pair to land their sandbag on top of a narrow disc winning. In a tight race between all four pairs, the team of Janet Carbin and Tommy Sheehan managed to land their sandbag on the disc first to win reward.