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Alfredo "Freddy" Cortina is the Sole Survivor of Supervivientes: Expedición Robinson 2001.


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Jugador profesional de golf desde hace dos años. También le gustaría ser actor. Estudió Businnes Administration en EEUU, donde vivió durante cuatro años. Ahora reside en Valencia junto a sus padres y su hermana mayor. El golf y su familia son lo más importante para él. "Mis héroes son mi madre y mi hermana, Tiger Woods, y admiro al Papa por su sacrificio y labor en el mundo y a su edad".

Es muy gracioso y alegre. Algo soñador, desordenado, dejado, despistado e impulsivo. Sincero e ingenuo, siempre trata de sacar lo mejor de todos de ahí que sea muy flexible. "Las discusiones las empato, discutir no me gusta, prefiero razonar". Eso no evita que sea una persona muy competitiva a la que le gusta ganar.

"Si pudiera elegir las siete personas que van conmigo a la isla me llevaría a mi hermana, Tiger Woods, José María Aznar, Tony Braxton, Meg Ryan, Jerry Seinfield....y a la chica que me gusta ahora".[1]


At the start of the game, Freddy played a more middle-of-the-road strategy of allowing other, more personal members of the team such as Coco Pallol and Egoitz Lorenzo to steal the limelight in the North Tribe. Freddy was not implicated in some members of the team smuggling tobacco and matches into the game, and could continue with his strategy into Episode 2.

Freddy started to show his mental ability, successfully answering a quiz question to break the tie in the immunity challenge in Episode 3. Getting closer to Esther Barcena, he nonetheless fell in love with María Peñate. In Episode 5, he was nominated the Tribe Ambassador for the North Team, where he was sent to the South Team, for one episode before the merger and immune at Tribal Council.

It was at the merger that Freddy's gameplay started to shine, with Esther now enchanted by him. He provided a helpful tool to the alliance against then-favourite Amagoia Caño in Episode 9, and stuck with the alliance in Episode 10 to get rid of Bea Sánchez, after winning immunity. After seeing fit to break the pact to vote Francesca Caballería out of the game in Episode 11, Freddy voted out Andrés Sanz the next episode. To fan favourite Antonio Amate's clear displeasure, Freddy won the game by a 6-1 vote when the pair and host Juanma López Iturriaga joined Paco Lobatón in the studio in Madrid.

Voting History[]

Episode Freddy's
Voted Against
1 Mayte -
2 Coco -
3 North Team Immune
4 North Team Immune
5 South Team Immune
6 Adriana -
7 Andrés -
8 Andrés -
9 Amagoia -
10 Beatriz Individual Immunity
11 Francesca -
12 Andrés Individual Immunity
Jury Votes
for Freddy
Amagoia, Beatriz, Esther,
Francesca, Kaky, María
Sole Survivor, Day 95


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Preceded by
Expedición Robinson 2000
ESS1 xavier t
Xavier Monjonell
Sole Survivor Titleholder
Expedición Robinson 2001
ESS2 freddy t
Freddy Cortina
Succeeded by
La Isla de los FamoS.O.S. 1
ESS3 daniela t
Daniela Cardone
Supervivientes: Expedición Robinson 2001 Castaways
ESS2 adriana t
ESS2 amagoia t
ESS2 amate t
ESS2 andres t
ESS2 beatriz t
ESS2 coco t
ESS2 domingo t
ESS2 egoitz t
ESS2 esther t
ESS2 francesca t
ESS2 freddy t
ESS2 kaky t
ESS2 maria t
ESS2 mayte t
ESS2 ricardo t
ESS2 rosy t