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Francis Bordas is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Pacifique and Koh-Lanta: La Revanche des Héros.


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  • 59 ans
  • Aquitaine
  • Régisseur à la retraite
  • 1m70 - 78 kg
  • C'est le vétéran de l'aventure. C'est un homme de la nature, énergique, bon vivant; il aime faire passer ses idées. Il est un peu provoc'.

Profile retrieved from[1]

  • Koh-Lanta 5 - Ile des Pins - Nouvelle Calédonie (2005)
    Nombre de jours: 40/40

    Finaliste en 2005 sur l'Île des Pins, en Nouvelle-Calédonie, Francis est le doyen de cette Revanche des Héros. Le Périgourdin ne s'avoue jamais vaincu. Il mise sur sa roublardise et son expérience pour rivaliser avec ses adversaires plus jeunes.
  • Quels souvenirs gardez-vous de votre première participation à Koh-Lanta? J'ai cru un instant que tout était fini lorsque je me suis blessé à la cuisse. J'ai souffert, mais je me suis battu pour rester. En définitive, j'essaie de ne conserver que les meilleurs moments, comme celui où j'ai battu Pierre au jeu de l'énigme, une victoire importante pour moi. J'ai aussi gagné l'épreuve du confort où je me suis retrouvé dans un endroit sublime à profiter des petits plaisirs de la vie.
  • Quel a été votre plus grand regret lors de cette aventure? Et votre plus grande fierté? Je regrette de ne pas avoir remporté d'épreuve d'immunité. J'aurais voulu soulever le totem une fois pour une victoire individuelle. Mais je suis tout de même très fier d'être arrivé jusqu'en finale en éliminant les personnes qui me sous-estimaient. Je suis resté fidèle à ma personnalité et honnête tout au long de l'aventure.
  • Pourquoi avoir choisi de revenir en découdre dans cette Revanche des Héros? Je ne pouvais pas rester sur une défaite. Cette fois, je veux aller jusqu'au bout, me donner à fond et gagner. Mon ambition est de montrer qu'à 66 ans, on est encore capable de beaux exploits grâce à une bonne hygiène de vie.



A member of the Kanawa tribe, Francis was relegated to the minority with Sylvie Sébert and Eliane Vigneron when the trio's attempt to improve upon and reconstruct the tribe's shelter backfired because there wasn't enough space for everybody. Pierre Vaney of the majority alliance criticized Francis for giving excuses when he failed on his fishing exploits and, during the second Reward Challenge, Francis fell and injured his leg, which resulted in him being temporarily evacuated from the game. In the same cycle, Francis returned to the game but was then unanimously eliminated at the second Tribal Council for his injured leg, though the majority alliance also voted against Francis because they were tired of his excuses for failing to catch fish. When Sylvie was evacuated and eliminated from the game on Day 9 because of her state of health and because she had had enough of the hostile environment around camp, Francis returned to the game in her place.

When the Kumo tribe won the fourth Reward Challenge on Day 11, which was a 24-hour challenge that the tribes had started the day before and which consisted of tribe members accomplishing certain tasks for points, they were rewarded with the right to permanently kidnap one of the members of the Kanawa tribe as part of a tribe switch. The Kumo tribe chose Jérôme Villaseque, who was the assumed leader of the Kanawa tribe, and he was deemed immune at the next Tribal Council in order to give him a better chance at integrating into his new tribe. With the exception of the absences of Sylvie and Jérôme, the social dynamics at the Kanawa camp were back to the way things were before with Francis and Eliane in the minority against a majority alliance. When the Kanawa tribe lost the fifth Immunity Challenge, the majority alliance initially had more interest in keeping Eliane around over Francis because they deemed her more useful than him in camp life and in challenges, However, when she entered a heated argument with Christine and Véronique on the day of Tribal Council, the majority alliance changed their minds as they felt that her attitude was too volatile and she was voted out that night instead. After Eliane's elimination, Francis, who was now the only remaining Kanawa tribe member outside of the majority alliance, tried to bury the hatchet with the rest of his tribe and successfully developed better relationships with his tribemates. Meanwhile, Thierry Ramos began to slack off around camp and had a lacklustre performance in the sixth Immunity Challenge, to which the Kanawa tribe lost by a landslide. In response, the Kanawa tribe sensed that Thierry had "given up" on the game and he was voted out unanimously over Francis, who was now in amity with the rest of his tribe.

After Mohamed Derradji won the first individual Immunity Challenge after the tribes merged, Francis, along with most of his tribemates, was interviewed individually by Ambassadors Alexis Tournier and Pierre. Sakhone Holaphong received the Ambassadors' vote for his perceived lack of passion and he was eliminated almost unanimously at the merged tribe's first Tribal Council. In spite of the general unity behind the first merge elimination, the original Kumo tribe members were vexed at Jérôme because he made it very apparent that he was going to work with his fellow original Kanawa tribe members throughout the merge, such as when he put back on the red shirt that he wore during his time on the Kanawa tribe. When the original Kumo tribe members realized that they could flip Francis over to their side, they approached him with the possibility of him joining them in voting out Jérôme. In spite of burying the hatchet with the other original Kanawa tribe members a few cycles prior, Francis ultimately flipped on them and Jérôme was voted out.

From that point onwards, Francis joined the original Kumo tribe members in pagonging Francis' fellow original Kanawa tribe members with one exception. At the Final Seven, Francis and Clémence Castel paused their alliance's strategy for one cycle and voted with Véronique Lobjoie and Pierre to eliminate Coumba Baradji because she had lost interest in the game and because, in terms of numbers, the original Kumo tribe members could afford to lose Coumba at this point. Francis made it to the finale where he won the Orientation challenge at the Final Four. After winning the Perch challenge at the Final Three, Clémence chose to take Francis to the Final Two over Mohamed because she knew that Francis would be much easier to beat. At the Final Tribal Council, the fact that he was originally the first person voted out of the Kanawa tribe, the fact that he narrowly escaped elimination twice before the merge, the fact that he chose to flip on his fellow original Kanawa tribe members at the Final Nine, which made them feel bitter about Francis again, and the fact that he likely would have been eliminated just before the finale had it not been for Coumba's elimination at the Final Seven all contributed to Francis losing to Clémence in a unanimous vote.

Voting History[]

Episode Francis's
Voted Against
1 Kanawa Tribe Immune
2 Christine Christine, Eliane, Jérôme,
Pierre, Sylvie, Thierry, Veronique
Voted Out, Day 6
Returned, Day 9
4 Kanawa Tribe Immune
5 Christine -
6 Thierry Thierry
7 Sakhone -
8 Jérôme -
9 Christine Christine, Pierre, Veronique
10 Coumba -
11 Pierre -
12 Veronique -
12 Ineligible -
Jury Votes
for Francis
Runner-Up, Day 40

La Revanche des Héros[]

Due to his age, Francis was perceived as the weakest link of the Klahan tribe in terms of challenges. In spite of this, he was able to make it to the merge due to the Klahan tribe avoiding Tribal Council for most of the tribal phase and due to his alliance with Bertrand Bolle, Freddy Boucher, Wafa El Mejjad, and Moussa Niangane. Before the merge, Francis was chosen by his tribemates to be their Ambassador opposite Claude Dartois of the Nekmao tribe. As a twist for this season, the Ambassadors had to nominate one person from each tribe to compete in a duel in which the loser would be eliminated from the game. Considering that his own tribe would still have the numbers advantage anyway and also that he had little allegiance to Patricia Morel, Francis negotiated with Claude to pit Patricia against Teheiura Teahui in the duel believing that the latter would defeat the former. These assumptions turned out to be correct and Patricia was eliminated. The tribes merged with six original Klahan tribe members and five original Nekmao tribe members, which meant that the former group was in a position to pagong the latter group. However, the original Nekmao tribe members knew that Maud Garnier was an outsider on her original tribe and was bitter about Patricia's elimination. When they capitalized on this and tried to flip Maud to their side, the original Klahan tribe members did their best to assure Maud that sticking with them would be her best move and that there was never any intention to betray her. At Tribal Council, Maud joined the original Nekmao tribe members in blindsiding Francis, targeting him specifically for his decision at the Ambassadors' Meeting.

Voting History[]

Episode Francis's
Voted Against
1 Klahan Tribe Immune
2 Klahan Tribe Immune
3 Isabelle Isabelle, Patricia
4 Patrick Claude, Coumba, Guénaëlle,
Maud, Patrick, Teheiura
Voted Out, Day 11
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 Francis's black vote for Claude took effect in episode 5.

Post Koh-Lanta[]



Koh-Lanta: Pacifique Castaways
FRS5 alexis t
FRS5 aude t
FRS5 caroline t
FRS5 christine t
FRS5 clemence t
FRS5 coumba t
FRS5 eliane t
FRS5 francis t
FRS5 jerome t
FRS5 mathieu t
FRS5 mohamed t
FRS5 pierre t
FRS5 sakhone t
FRS5 sylvie t
FRS5 thierry t
FRS5 veronique t
Koh-Lanta: La Revanche des Héros Castaways
FRS14 bertrand t
FRS14 claude t
FRS14 coumba t
FRS14 fabienne t
FRS14 francis t
FRS14 freddy t
FRS14 guenaelle t
FRS14 isabelle t
FRS14 marine t
FRS14 maud t
FRS14 moussa t
FRS14 nicolas t
FRS14 patricia t
FRS14 patrick t
FRS14 teheiura t
FRS14 wafa t