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The Extra Vote is an advantage that is occasionally available to castaways. It allows players to vote twice in one Tribal Council.

Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers introduced a variant of the advantage that requires its holder to abstain from voting at one Tribal Council before gaining the advantage to cast an extra vote at a future Tribal Council. This advantage was formally named the "Bank Your Vote Advantage" during its next appearance in Survivor 44.


In appearance, the Extra Vote is similar to the parchment used at Tribal Council; however, it has a distinct margin on all four sides. This vote can be played until there are either five or six contestants left, depending on the season. Its owner may vote for another player twice or vote for two separate people. It will be counted as any other vote, and may still be nullified by a Hidden Immunity Idol.

To use the Extra Vote, the player must state their intention in voting again before the host tallies the votes. Depending on the season, they may or may not be required to reveal their use of the advantage in public.

Extra Votes at Revotes[]

In Survivor: Ghost Island, the note presented to Kellyn Bechtold when she received her Extra Vote stated that it would "extend through a tie and revote",[1] but at the actual Tribal Council where she used it, she did not vote twice in the revote, as she claimed that she had forgotten that it could be used on a revote.[2]

In Survivor 41, it was established by Shan Smith that any player who had cast an Extra Vote and remains eligible to vote in a revote must vote twice in said revote.[3]


Worlds Apart[]

The Extra Vote (described only as an "advantage") first appeared at the Survivor Auction on Day 25, when Carolyn Rivera, Dan Foley, and Mike Holloway paid $480 for the advantage. As the bid ended in a tie, the contestants drew rocks for a chance to win it. Dan won the rock draw and the Extra Vote. Tyler Fredrickson later searched Dan's bag and discovered the advantage and its powers. Dan played his advantage at the Day 35 Tribal Council, voting for Carolyn twice. Afraid that she might be eliminated as a result of the Extra Vote being cast, Carolyn used her Hidden Immunity Idol to negate all votes for her (including the Extra Vote), blindsiding Dan himself.

Kaôh Rōng[]

The Extra Vote was introduced during the final eight Reward Challenge on Day 25 as one of the three rewards that could be competed for in the challenge, Free Will. Aubry Bracco, Cydney Gillon, and Tai Trang chose to compete for this advantage, with Tai ultimately outlasting Aubry to win. Tai later opened up the advantage to reveal that it was an Extra Vote that would be valid until five contestants remain. Tai used his advantage at the Day 32 Tribal Council. He placed his two votes on Michele Fitzgerald, but his plan did not work as his alliance decided to eliminate Kyle Jason instead, resulting in a 4-2-1 vote.

Game Changers[]

After being left without a tribe after a tribe switch on Day 14, Debbie Wanner was sent off to Exile Island until the next Tribal Council was completed. Former two-time castaway and Caramoan winner John Cochran visited Debbie on Exile Island and offered her an Advantage Menu—a choice between three advantages—and she opted to pick the Extra Vote over a fake Hidden Immunity Idol kit or an advantage for her tribe at the next Immunity Challenge. Debbie used the advantage on Day 24, voting against Ozzy Lusth twice and ensuring a majority vote, even though Ozzy would have gone home regardless.

Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers[]

On Day 20, Lauren Rimmer found an advantage hidden in a bundle of nails given to the Solewa tribe during the merge. This advantage required her to abstain from voting the immediate Tribal Council before being granted an Extra Vote that she could use at a future Tribal Council. Lauren was voted out at the Day 33 Tribal Council after Ben Driebergen used his Hidden Immunity Idol to negate all votes for him, blindsiding Lauren with the unused Extra Vote still in her possession.

Ghost Island[]

After the Reward Challenge on Day 18, Kellyn Bechtold was sent back to Ghost Island by the Naviti tribe. There, she decided to play for an advantage and was allowed two out of three chances to receive one, and she received the Vote Steal used by Sarah Lacina to vote out Michaela Bradshaw in Game Changers, which was now an Extra Vote at a Tribal Council, and could be used up to the final six. At the second half of the Day 29 Double Elimination, Kellyn cast two votes for Laurel Johnson in order to split the vote between Laurel and Michael Yerger; after the vote tied, Kellyn helped vote out Michael at the revote.

After the Reward Challenge on Day 33, Sebastian Noel was sent to Ghost Island by Domenick Abbate and Wendell Holland. There, he decided to play for an advantage and was allowed three out of four chances to receive an advantage. He received Sarah Lacina's Vote Steal from Game Changers, which was still an Extra Vote, and was put back in play after Kellyn misplayed it earlier on. Sebastian was voted out at the Day 36 Tribal Council after opting not to use the Extra Vote at the last Tribal Council in which he could have done so.

Edge of Extinction[]

During the marooning on Day 1, a secret advantage was hidden among the supplies that castaways could gather. Ron Clark found the advantage, which turned out to be an Advantage Menu giving him one of three advantages up until the third Tribal Council. He could either steal the reward from the winning tribe, use the parchment as an Extra Vote, or use it for individual immunity, which would work similar to a Hidden Immunity Idol. Ron did not have to choose any advantage as his tribe did not go to any of the first three Tribal Councils, leaving the Advantage Menu to expire after the Day 8 Tribal Council.

On Day 13, a standalone Extra Vote was hidden on the Edge of Extinction, which the finder had to gift to a castaway attending the next Tribal Council. This Extra Vote would be good until the final seven. Rick Devens found the Extra Vote and gifted it to Aubry Bracco after Manu lost the following Immunity Challenge. However, Aubry was blindsided without using it the very same night, with the Extra Vote being taken out of play after she was sent to the Edge of Extinction herself.[4]

On Day 21, another Extra Vote was hidden on the Edge of Extinction, but due to the tribes being merged, it could be given to any castaway on the Vata tribe. Aubry found the Extra Vote, again usable until the final seven, and gifted it to Aurora McCreary after the following Immunity Challenge. On Day 27, Aurora transferred possession of the Extra Vote to Ron, who allowed her to reclaim it the following day. On Day 31, Aurora, fearing being part of a tie vote, once again transferred possession, this time to Gavin Whitson, who held individual immunity, as part of a split vote plan against Ron on the last night that the Extra Vote could be used to ensure that its effects would carry into a revote. Their plan was successful, and Ron was voted out that night after Rick played an idol for himself.

Island of the Idols[]

On Day 34, Dean Kowalski was selected by random draw to go to the Island of the Idols. For his mentors' challenge, Rob Mariano and Sandra Diaz-Twine offered him a choice of three advantages—an Extra Vote, an Idol Nullifier, or a Hidden Immunity Idol good for the next Tribal Council which could not be played on himself— if he won a game of chance. Dean chose to play for an Idol Nullifier.

Winners at War[]

After the merge, a "Create an ally" option was added to the available items on the Edge of Extinction. This allowed any player on the Edge to pay two Fire Tokens to send an Extra Vote to someone in the main game, and the advantage receiver would know who sent it to them. However, nobody chose to take the option.

Survivor 41[]

On Day 2, one member of each tribe, Danny McCray from Luvu, JD Robinson from Ua, and Xander Hastings from Yase, was sent to a summit on another island where they were given a choice between keeping their vote for their first trip to Tribal Council, or risking their vote: a decision which they had to do individually. If all three castaways chose "protect", they would keep their votes. If they unanimously chose "risk", they would all lose their votes. But if there was a split decision, all three still keep their votes, but those who chose "risk" would obtain an Extra Vote, which they would find out about at their first Tribal Council. Danny opted to keep his vote, while JD and Xander risked theirs.

When Ua and Yase both lost to Luvu in the first Immunity Challenge, JD and Xander were secretly informed of their gamble being a success, having both received Extra Vote parchments, usable until the final six, upon entering the voting booth.

On Day 5, as Yase was the losing tribe, they had a member sent to another island by Luvu, the winning tribe. Luvu chose to send Evvie Jagoda from Yase, and then Deshawn Radden volunteered to go with her to the other island. Once there, they were faced with the same decision as on Day 2, and they coordinated on what to do, with Evvie choosing to keep their vote, and Deshawn risking his.

Luvu went on a winning streak throughout the entire pre-merge, so when Deshawn arrived at his first Tribal Council at the merge on Day 14, he was secretly informed of his gamble being a success and received his Extra Vote parchment in the voting booth. He immediately used his Extra Vote, casting both of his votes against Evvie, who managed to survive a 5-4-3 vote, receiving 4 votes.

On Ua, Shan Smith exposed JD's Extra Vote on Day 7, causing him to give it to her as a show of trust. Shan then returned him his Extra Vote after that night's Tribal Council. On Day 9, Ua went on to lose the next Immunity Challenge. Once again, Shan manipulated JD into giving her his Extra Vote and proceeded to vote him off that night. Shan then conspired with Ricard Foyé to activate the Beware Advantage, giving him her Extra Vote for safekeeping if she became unable to vote as a result of opening the Beware Advantage. After the Day 11 Tribal Council, Ricard returned the Extra Vote to Shan. Finally, on Day 17, Shan used her Extra Vote, casting one vote each against Heather Aldret and Naseer Muttalif to force a 3-3 tie which resulted in Naseer's elimination following a 4-0 tiebreaker vote.

On Day 21, Xander played his Extra Vote to vote out Liana Wallace in a 5-3 vote.

Survivor 42[]

During the opening Reward Challenge on Day 1, Drea Wheeler, Hai Giang, and Lindsay Dolashewich took the Advantage Amulet. It was later revealed that, should the three of them be on the same tribe together, they may play their Amulets at once to collectively cast a single Extra Vote. With Hai being voted out on Day 19, this option was removed from play.

On Day 2, one member of each tribe, Drea from Ika, Maryanne Oketch from Taku, and Jenny Kim from Vati, was sent to a summit on another island where they were given a choice between keeping their vote for their first trip to Tribal Council, or risking their vote: a decision which they had to do individually. If all three castaways chose "protect", they would keep their votes. If they unanimously chose "risk", they would all lose their votes. But if there was a split decision, all three still keep their votes, but those who chose "risk" would obtain an Extra Vote, which they would find out about at their first Tribal Council. Jenny opted to keep her vote, while Drea and Maryanne risked theirs. Drea would receive her Extra Vote after attending Tribal Council when her tribe lost the Day 3 Immunity Challenge. Likewise, Maryanne received her Extra Vote at Tribal Council when Taku lost the Day 5 Immunity Challenge; she would share this information with her tribe that night after Tribal Council, hoping to use the advantage for her tribe's collective gain.

On Day 7, Chanelle Howell from Vati and Omar Zaheer from Taku were selected to go on a summit. Each of them faced the same prisoner's dilemma with an Extra Vote at stake. Because both Chanelle and Omar decided to risk their votes, they both lost their votes and this Extra Vote was removed from play.

On Day 11, after finding and opening the Beware Advantage, Drea offered to let Romeo Escobar hold her vote in the event that she did not activate the idol and Ika had to attend Tribal Council. Because the idols ended up being activated that day at the Immunity Challenge, there was ultimately no need for Drea to transfer ownership of her advantage. Drea held onto her advantage until Day 21, when she cast two votes against Mike Turner. However, the advantage was unable to change the numbers in her favor, and she was voted out 5-3.

On Day 23, Maryanne used her Extra Vote at the final six Tribal Council to execute a plurality vote. She coordinated a split vote plan between Omar and Romeo, and then cast her second vote on Omar to blindside him, 3-2-2.

Survivor 44[]

On Day 2, Lauren Harpe attended a summit where she received the "Bank Your Vote" advantage. She opted to invoke her advantage when she attended Ratu's first Tribal Council that night, abstaining from casting a vote while earning the right to vote twice at a future Tribal Council.

On Day 17, out of caution in case the Knowledge is Power advantage was in play, Lauren passed her extra vote to her ally Jaime Lynn Ruiz with the plan of putting two votes against Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt. However, Jaime voted in the minority, and Kane Fritzler was voted out instead.

Survivor 46[]

On Day 2, David Jelinsky, Maria Shrime Gonzalez, and Tevin Davis represented Yanu, Siga, and Nami respectively on a journey. There, the three castaways were told to play a game where one person had to guess which of the other two was holding a card bearing a torch. If the guess was correct, both the guesser and the torch card holder would win an extra vote. If the guess was incorrect, the person holding the card bearing a skull would win the extra vote. Under Maria's duress, Jelinsky folded and confessed that he held the skull card, giving Maria and Tevin the extra votes. Maria received her extra vote at Siga's first Tribal Council on Night 11. She played it immediately, voting against Jem Hussain-Adams and sending her home in a 4-2 vote. Meanwhile, Tevin received his extra vote at his first Tribal Council on Day 13. He was ultimately voted out on Day 16 without ever using the advantage.


Season Location Episode Acquired Original Owner Given To Episode Used Intended Target Successful? Eliminated
Worlds Apart Survivor Auction "Bring the Popcorn" S30 dan t
Dan Foley
None "My Word Is My Bond" S30 carolyn t
Carolyn Rivera
S30 dan bw
Dan Foley
Kaôh Rōng Day 25 Individual Reward "I'm Not Here to Make Good Friends" S32 tai t
Tai Trang
None "Now's the Time to Start Scheming" S32 michele t
Michele Fitzgerald
S32 jason bw
Kyle Jason
Game Changers Exile Island
(Advantage Option)
"Vote Early, Vote Often" S34 debbie t
Debbie Wanner
None "There's a New Sheriff in Town" S34 ozzy t
Ozzy Lusth
S34 ozzy bw
Ozzy Lusth
Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Hidden in bundle of nails during the merge "Playing with the Devil" S35 lauren t
Lauren Rimmer
None Never used
Ghost Island Ghost Island "Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit" S36 kellyn t
Kellyn Bechtold
None "The Finish Line Is in Sight" S36 laurel t
Laurel Johnson
S36 michael bw
Michael Yerger
"Always Be Moving" S36 sebastian t
Sebastian Noel
None Never used
Edge of Extinction Hidden during the marooning
(Advantage Menu)
"It Smells Like Success" S38 ron t
Ron Clark
None Never used
Edge of Extinction "It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever" S38 aubry t
Aubry Bracco*
None Never used
"I'm the Puppet Master" S38 aurora t
Aurora McCreary*
S38 ron t
Ron Clark
S38 aurora t
Aurora McCreary
S38 gavin t
Gavin Whitson
"Awkward" S38 ron t
Ron Clark
S38 ron bw
Ron Clark
Island of the Idols Island of the Idols
(Advantage Option)
"Just Go for It" S39 dean t
Dean Kowalski
Not chosen
Survivor 41 Day 2 Journey "A New Era" S41 xander t
Xander Hastings
S41 tiffany t
Tiffany Seely
S41 xander t
Xander Hastings
"Do or Die" S41 liana t
Liana Wallace
S41 liana bw
Liana Wallace
S41 jd t
JD Robinson
S41 shan t
Shan Smith
S41 jd t
JD Robinson
S41 shan t
Shan Smith
S41 ricard t
Ricard Foyé
S41 shan t
Shan Smith
"Who's Who in the Zoo" S41 naseer t
Naseer Muttalif
S41 naseer bw
Naseer Muttalif
Day 5 Journey "There's Gonna Be Blood" S41 deshawn t
Deshawn Radden
None "There's Gonna Be Blood" S41 evvie t
Evvie Jagoda
S41 sydney bw
Sydney Segal
Survivor 42
Day 1 Reward Challenge
(Advantage Amulet)
"Feels Like a Rollercoaster" S42 drea t
Drea Wheeler
Never used
S42 hai t
Hai Giang
S42 lindsay t
Lindsay Dolashewich
Day 2 Journey "Feels Like a Rollercoaster" S42 drea t
Drea Wheeler
None "Battle Royale" S42 mike t
Mike Turner
S42 drea bw
Drea Wheeler
"Good and Guilty" S42 maryanne t
Maryanne Oketch
None "Caterpillar to a Butterfly" S42 omar t
Omar Zaheer
S42 omar bw
Omar Zaheer
Survivor 44 Day 2 Journey "I Can't Wait to See Jeff" S44 lauren t
Lauren Harpe
S44 jaime t
Jaime Lynn Ruiz
"Under the Wing of a Dragon" S44 heidi t
Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt
S44 kane bw
Kane Fritzler
Survivor 45
Day 11 Journey
(Advantage Amulet)
"I Don't Want to Be the Worm" S45 austin t
Austin Li Coon
Never used
S45 jmaya t
J. Maya
S45 kellie t
Kellie Nalbandian
Survivor 46 Day 2 Journey "Tiki Man" S46 maria t
Maria Shrime Gonzalez
None "Tiki Man" S46 jem t
Jem Hussain-Adams
S46 jem bw
Jem Hussain-Adams
"Cancel Christmas" S46 tevin t
Tevin Davis
None Never used

^1 Kellyn did not use her Extra Vote in the revote.
^2 Shan wrote Naseer's name on the Extra Vote parchment.


  • The Extra Vote had previously been introduced in several international versions of the series like Expedition Robinson and Survivor Philippines. In the Philippine version, the Extra Vote was also offered during the auction as a regular sealed item. The winning bidder, Charisse Yacapin, was given a choice between an already revealed food item and the still-covered Extra Vote; she chose the food.
  • The Extra Vote is the only advantage offered on each occasion an Advantage Menu was available.
  • Lauren Rimmer is the first castaway to have their Extra Vote flushed from the game.
  • Sebastian Noel is the first castaway to let their Extra Vote expire. However, he was voted out at the last Tribal Council in which he could have played it.
  • Aurora McCreary became the first player to transfer ownership of the Extra Vote to another player, when she gave her Extra Vote to Ron Clark.
    • Ron is the first player to possess two Extra Votes in one season, the first as a possible choice of an Advantage Menu (which expired unused), and the second being given to him by Aurora. Ron is also the first player to be voted out by an Extra Vote he once possessed.
  • Shan Smith is the first castaway to play her Extra Vote to vote against two different players.
    • She is also the first castaway to vote twice in a revote.
  • Xander Hastings and Maryanne Oketch are tied for the longest time in continuous possession of an Extra Vote, at 18 days each.
  • Maryanne Oketch is the first castaway to possess an Extra Vote and become Sole Survivor.
  • Although it has been used multiple times to force or avoid a tie, the Extra Vote has never altered the eventual elimination at any Tribal Council.
    • In Worlds Apart and Survivor 42 (first time), the person playing the Extra Vote was eliminated at that Tribal Council.
    • In Kaôh Rōng, Survivor 41 (first time), and Survivor 44, both the user and the target survived Tribal Council.
    • In Game Changers, Edge of Extinction (third time), Survivor 41 (third time), and Survivor 46 (first time), the target was voted out, but by at least a two-vote margin.
    • In Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, Ghost Island (second time), and Edge of Extinction (second time), the holder was voted out without using it.
    • In Ghost Island (first time) and Survivor 41 (second time), the Extra Vote was used against the secondary target of a split vote to create a tie, and the primary target was voted out in the revote. Absent the Extra Vote, the primary target would have been voted out without the need for a revote.
    • In Survivor 42 (second time), the target was voted out by a one-vote margin, but would have been voted out at the revote had the Extra Vote not been played. This is considered the most successful use of an Extra Vote.
  • Both castaways who possessed the Bank Your Vote variant of this advantage have the same first name.


Survivor Gameplay
Challenges Challenge Advantage · Do-It-Yourself Challenge · Duel · Family Visit · Immunity Challenge (Final Immunity Challenge) · Immunity Idol · Immunity Necklace · Medallion of Power · Reward Challenge · Survivor Auction
Elimination Edge of Extinction · Ejection · Evacuation · Final Tribal Council · Jury · Null Vote · Quit · Redemption Island · Snuffer · Sole Survivor (Perfect Game) · Tiebreaker · Torch · Tribal Council · Urn
Strategy Alliance · Goat Strategy · Pagonging · Split Vote
Social Dynamics Final Two · Final Three · Merge · Tribe
Twists Casting Battle of the Sexes · Blood vs. Water · Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty · Old vs. Young · Returning Players · Schoolyard Pick · Tribes Divided by Ethnicity
Tribal Council Advantage Amulet · Do or Die · Double Elimination · Double Tribal Council · Extra Vote · Group Tribal Council · Hidden Immunity Idol (History) · Idol Nullifier · Joint Tribal Council · Juror Removal · Legacy Advantage · Knowledge is Power · Safety Without Power · Shot in the Dark · Split Tribal Council · Vote Blocker · Vote Steal
Game Mechanics Advantage Menu · Buried Treasure · Day Zero · Earn the Merge · Exile Island · Fake Merge · Fire Token · First Impressions · Ghost Island · Haves vs. Have Nots · Hourglass · Island of the Idols · Kidnapping · Looting · Mutiny · One World · Reward Steal · Summit · The Outcasts · Tribe Leader · Tribe Switch
Post-Game Contestants on other programs · Fan Favorite Award · Lawsuits and Legal Action · Ponderosa · Reunion Show
Miscellaneous Buff · Camp · Confessional · Luxury Item · Rites of Passage · Survivor Rulebook · Ulonging