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Expeditie Robinson 2008 is the tenth season of the Dutch/Belgian reality television series Expeditie Robinson. The show premiered on August 31, 2008, and concluded on November 23, 2008.

Initially, the Final Two tied in a 4-4 jury vote, As a result, 100 former contestants of Expeditie Robinson were invited to the live reunion show to cast a vote for either of the two finalists to win. 74 of them voted (a further 7 also voted but their votes were voided as they did not vote for either of the final two). Yin Oei Sian defeated Hans Meenhorst in a 58-16 vote to become the Sole Survivor.

On October 11, 2008, four days after the second episode's broadcast, Expeditie Robinson host Ernst-Paul Hasselbach was killed alongside production assistant Leentje Custers in a car accident in Lom, Norway during filming of the third season of 71˚ Noord, a Dutch/Belgian reality show where contestants hike through tough conditions in Norway. It is based on the Norwegian show of the same name. At the end of the reunion show, a tribute montage played in his memory, compiling footage and photos from his tenure as host. At the end, a final thank-you message to Ernst-Paul was shown, written by the rest of the crew. He would be replaced by Flemish host Evi Hanssen and Dutch host Eddy Zoëy.


  • Chain: At the marooning, each tribe would be locked in a chain attached to their ankles, and could not leave the chain. The castaways were allowed to leave the chain in episode 2.
  • Joint Tribal Council: In Episode 6, both tribes would attend Tribal Council together and collectively vote someone out. Prior to this, an Individual Immunity Challenge was held instead of a tribal Immunity Challenge, with only one person being immune.
  • Immunity Coin: For each Immunity Coin played at Tribal Council, one vote cast against the user is negated.
  • Semi-final Challenges: At the Final Three, two challenges were held to determine the Final Two, with the winner of each earning their spot at the Final Tribal Council. The person who failed to win any of the challenges would become the final member of the jury.
  • Bonus Jury Votes: During the season, additional jury votes were up for grabs. Both Hans and Yin received an extra jury vote at the end of the game.
  • Jury Tiebreaker: Due to a tie in the final vote, 100 former Expeditie Robinson contestants were invited to the live reunion show to cast a vote for a winner.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe Merged Tribe
Marleenexpeditierobinson10 Marleen Haveman
48, Kanne, Belgium
Tengah 1st Voted Out
Day 3
Dirkexpeditierobinson10 Dirk Van Hoeydonck
25, Antwerp, Belgium
Uma 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Claudiaexpeditierobinson10 Claudia Slok Soede
28, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tengah 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Manoexpeditierobinson10 Mano Dijkman
38, Doesburg, Netherlands
Uma Quit
Day 11
Hichamexpeditierobinson10 Hicham Maachi
23, Gorinchem, Netherlands
Tengah Quit
Day 11
Hannieexpeditierobinson10 Hannie Derks
40, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Uma 4th Voted Out
Day 12
Wimexpeditierobinson10 Wim Geens
51, Erps-Kwerps, Belgium
Tengah 5th Voted Out
Day 15
Princeexpeditierobinson10 Prince Heyliger
33, Zutphen, Netherlands
Tengah 6th Voted Out
Day 18
GeertDexpeditierobinson10 Geert De Deyn
39, Welle, Belgium
Uma Lima 7th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 24
Kyraexpeditierobinson10 Kyra Van Oostveldt
25, Antwerp, Belgium
Uma 8th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 27
Sarahexpeditierobinson10 Sarah De Graeve
24, Brasschaat, Belgium
Tengah 9th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 30
GeertTexpeditierobinson10 Geert Van Tornhaut
43, Aalter, Belgium
Tengah 10th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 35
Sharonexpeditierobinson10 Sharon Berndsen
25, Diren, Netherlands
Uma 11th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 40
Hiukwanexpeditierobinson10 HiuKwan Chung
23, Groningen, Netherlands
Tengah Eliminated
6th Jury Member
Day 45
Hansexpeditierobinson10 Hans Meenhorst
47, Vinkel, Netherlands
Uma Runner-up 2
Yinexpeditierobinson10 Yin Oei Sian
36, Beerse, Belgium
Uma Sole Survivor 0

Episode Guide[]

Episode Air date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
1 August 31, 2008 Uma Marleen 3-2-1-1 1st Voted Out
Day 3
2 September 7, 2008 None Tengah Dirk 6-1-1 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
3 September 14, 2008 Uma Claudia 4-3 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
4 September 21, 2008 Geert T. Hiukwan Hans Yin Tengah Mano No Vote Quit
Day 11
Hannie 3-3;
4th Voted Out
Day 12
5 September 28, 2008 Uma Wim 4-1 5th Voted Out
Day 15
6 October 5, 2008 None HiuKwan Prince 5-4 6th Voted Out
Day 18
7 October 11, 2008 None Yin Geert D. 5-3 7th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 24
8 October 19, 2008 Geert T.
[Sarah, Hans]
Yin Kyra 4-2-1 8th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 27
9 October 26, 2008 Hans
[Sharon, Yin]
Hans Sarah 3-3;
9th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 30
10 November 2, 2008 None Hans Geert T. 2-2-1;
10th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 35
11 November 9, 2008 Hans, HiuKwan,
Sharon, Yin
Sharon 2-2;
11th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 40
12 November 16, 2008 HiuKwan Yin No
13 Unknown None Yin No
14 Unknown None Hans HiuKwan No Vote Eliminated
6th Jury Member
Day 45
Jury Vote Hans 4-4;
Yin Sole Survivor

Voting History[]

Expeditie Robinson 2008 Voting History
Original Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14
Eliminated: Marleenexpeditierobinson10
Tie Hannieexpeditierobinson10
Geert D.
Tie Sarahexpeditierobinson10
Tie GeertTexpeditierobinson10
Geert T.
Tie Sharonexpeditierobinson10
Tie Hansexpeditierobinson10
Vote: 3-2-1-1 6-1-1 4-3 No Vote 3-3 Past votes 4-1 5-4 5-3 4-2-1 3-3 Past votes 2-2-1 Past votes 2-2 Past votes No Vote 4-4 58-16
Yin Dirk Geert D. Prince Geert D. Kyra Sarah HiuKwan Sharon Jury Vote Former Contestant
Hans Dirk Geert D. Prince Geert D. Kyra Sarah HiuKwan Sharon
HiuKwan Hicham Claudia Wim Geert D. Geert D. Kyra Sharon Geert T. Hans Eliminated Hans
Sharon Dirk Hannie Prince Geert T. Sarah Sarah Geert T. Hans Voted out Yin
Geert T. Marleen Hicham Wim Geert D. Geert D. Kyra Sharon Sharon Voted out Hans
Sarah Marleen Hicham Wim Geert D. Geert D. Sharon Sharon Voted out Yin
Kyra Dirk Hannie Prince Geert T. Sarah Hans
Geert D. Hannie Hannie Prince Geert T. Yin
Prince HiuKwan Claudia Wim Geert D.
Wim Marleen Claudia HiuKwan
Hannie Dirk Geert D. Voted out
Hicham HiuKwan Claudia Quit
Mano Dirk
Claudia Claudia Hicham
Dirk Mano
Marleen Wim


  • Claudia Slok Soede is the first person in Expeditie Robinson to cast a vote against themselves.


Expeditie Robinson (Netherlands) Seasons
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