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Elaine Stott is a contestant from Survivor: Island of the Idols.

Despite being seen as a threat from the outset due to her perceived likability, Elaine managed to find her footing in the game within the majority alliance on the Lairo tribe. Following the Tribe Switch, an opportune trip to the Island of the Idols allowed her to obtain a Vote Blocker, which she successfully used to save herself and her allies. Although her alliance worked their way into the majority following the merge, Elaine inadvertently contributed to their downfall by blindsiding ally Missy Byrd, putting them down in numbers. With her alliance eventually being dismantled, Elaine was voted out by the Vokai Alliance, who feared her as a threat to win.


Retrieved from

Age: 41
Hometown: Woodbine, Kentucky
Current residence: Rockholds, Kentucky
Occupation: Factory Worker
Hobbies: Four-wheeling, fishing, and taking my boat to the lake.
Pet peeves: Guys who think women aren't their equals, girls who think they need to use their body to get ahead, and people who think their s*** don't stink!
Three words to describe you: Independent, stubborn, and kind.
What accomplishment are you most proud of? Stepping up and taking care of my loved ones when they needed me. I took care of my grandpa who helped raise me when he got sick until he passed. My godmother lost her daughter and her husband, then had a stroke all within eight months. I was all she had to get through everything. My mom recently was in a coma and on life support. For months, she fought to get stronger and relearn everything. I was by her side the whole time. The plan was for her to come live with me afterwards so I could take care of her. Unfortunately, she passed away from complications before that could happen. To some, stuff like that may not be an accomplishment, but to me that's the only stuff that matters. I'm proud to be that kind of person.
Who or what is your inspiration in life? My godmother. She took me in when I was young, and treated me like her own ever since. She is the strongest woman I know. She is kind, caring and very loving, even though she has suffered a great deal over the past few years. She's awesome.
What's one thing we wouldn't know from seeing a photo of you? People think I am a real hard ass but I am actually a big softy.
Which Survivor contestant are you most like? I think I am most like Rupert, rough and raw on the outside, and a big marshmallow on the inside. He seemed to be a very kind person just like me.
Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor? I think people will underestimate me. I think with my people skills and my ability to relate to different types of people, I will be able to befriend them or gain their trust. I would be overlooked because I wouldn't be a threat, but an ally.[2]


Elaine was initially placed on the Lairo tribe, where she immediately bonded with fellow hard workers Tom Laidlaw and Vince Moua, and charmed the tribe as a whole with her sense of humor. These qualities threatened Ronnie Bardah, who identified Elaine as an end game threat already three days into the game. Elaine sensed that Ronnie was untrustworthy, so she rallied her Lairo Women's Alliance to take him out. Although she appeared to have the numbers, she dreaded the possibility of going home so much that she asked Ronnie and Aaron Meredith if they would be willing to target Vince. Elaine opened up about her real life struggles that night at the first Tribal Council, urging her tribe to "put a pin in it" and delay her elimination if they perceived her to be such a threat. Elaine's bid to stay in the game was successful, and Ronnie was blindsided instead.

Elaine would fall into the background a bit strategically in the following days, while still maintaining good relationships with most of the tribe. These relationships allowed Elaine to know about shifting plans, such as when her alliance's indecisiveness forced them to resort to take out Chelsea Walker on Day 11. Elaine, despite claiming to be unlucky at the Tribe Switch the following day, found herself in a 4-4 situation on the new Vokai tribe. Though Aaron was willing to flip on her, a trip to Island of the Idols gave Elaine an opportunity to find a Vote Blocker at the upcoming Immunity Challenge, which she was able to do with the aid of her ally Elizabeth Beisel. Vokai would go on to lose that challenge, and Elaine revealed to her allies Aaron, Elizabeth, and Missy Byrd her newly-acquired advantage, which gave the original Lairo contingent a renewed sense of hope and unity. That night at Tribal Council, Elaine used her Vote Blocker to prevent Jason Linden from voting, resulting in his elimination and solidifying her alliance's position until the merge.

When the tribes merged into the Lumuwaku tribe on Day 20, Elaine initially remained loyal to the seven members of the post-switch Vokai tribe. That changed when Elaine won individual immunity at the Double Elimination twist on Day 27. With the Lumuwaku tribe temporarily divided into two groups, Elaine was placed on the orange team with Elizabeth, Missy, Karishma Patel, and Tommy Sheehan. Elaine realized that Missy was too controlling, so she saved the intended target, Tommy, and rallied Karishma to take out Missy instead, inadvertently handing Tommy's Vokai Alliance the majority, seeing as the purple team also voted Aaron out that night. Though Elaine integrated herself into the Vokai majority in the coming days, it came at the cost of her allies, as Elizabeth was the next to be voted out.

Seeing an opening after the Vokai Alliance made their pecking order clear following the Family Visit on Day 31, Elaine formulated a plan with Karishma, Dean Kowalski, and Noura Salman to target Lauren Beck next, even finding a Hidden Immunity Idol to solidify their bond. When Lauren won the next Immunity Challenge, however, the four shifted their target to Tommy, though Dean would blow up the plan at Tribal Council by telling Tommy about it, resulting in a frantic scramble right before voting. Elaine felt that she had no choice but to play her idol, only for it to be a waste as Karishma was voted out instead. When Elaine failed to win the following Immunity Challenge, her last resort was to convince Lauren and Janet Carbin to take out Noura by scaring the women into thinking that Noura would take their spot at the Final Tribal Council. However, they would not budge and Elaine was voted out 5-2 on Day 35.

At the Final Tribal Council, Elaine accused Noura of playing an emotional game. She gave her friend and ally Tommy her vote, allowing him to win the title of Sole Survivor in an 8-2-0 vote.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Lairo Tower of Equality Reward/Immunity No Lost
2 Rung O Star Reward/Immunity No Won
3 Beam Me Up Reward/Immunity No Lost
4 Ow Pairs Reward/Immunity No Lost
Switched Tribes, Day 12
5 Vokai Headlong Flight Reward No Won
Discography Immunity No Won
6 Heroes End Reward Yes Won
Cage Against the Machine Immunity No Lost
7 Box Car Blues Reward1 No Won
Faulty Towers Immunity No Won
Tribes Merged, Day 20
8 Lumuwaku Pegs Over Easy Immunity Lost
Raise the Roof Reward2 Won
I Hold On Immunity Lost
9 We Will Go Round Reward/Immunity Won
10 Crocodile Rock Immunity Yes3 Lost
11 Full Tilt Affair Reward Lost
Ballin' A Jack Immunity Lost
12 Unaired Reward4 Lost
Dizzy Miss Lizzy Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 35
^1 An unaired Reward Challenge was held on Day 17.
^2 An unaired Reward Challenge was held on Day 23.
^3 Elaine elected to sit out of the challenge to eat breakfast.
^4 An unaired Reward Challenge was held sometime between Days 33 and 34.

Episode Elaine's
Voted Against
1 Ronnie -
2 Lairo Tribe Immune
3 Vince -
4 Chelsea -
5 Vokai Tribe Immune
6 Jason Dan, Lauren, Tommy
7 Vokai Tribe Immune
8 Kellee -
Karishma -
9 Missy Individual Immunity
10 Karishma;
11 Karishma -2
12 Noura Dean, Janet, Lauren,
Noura, Tommy
Voted Out, Day 35
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In "Bring On the Bacon", Karishma used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Elaine's vote against her. Also, the vote ended with a 1-1-0 tie between Elizabeth and Janet, forcing a revote. Elaine changed her vote to Elizabeth on the revote.
^2 In "A Very Simple Plan", Elaine used a Hidden Immunity Idol, but did not negate any votes against her.


  • Elaine proposed to her girlfriend Tonya shortly after the finale aired.[3] The couple married on September 25, 2020.[4]


  • Elaine had applied for Survivor four times before being cast on Island of the Idols.[5]
  • Elaine is the oldest woman and highest-ranking woman of the original Lairo tribe.
  • Elaine lost 24.2 lbs during her time on Island of the Idols.[6]
  • At the Island of the Idols Reunion, Australian pop singer Sia awarded Elaine $100,000.[7]


Survivor: Island of the Idols Castaways
S39 aaron t
S39 chelsea t
S39 dan t
S39 dean t
S39 elaine t
S39 elizabeth t
S39 jack t
S39 jamal t
S39 janet t
S39 jason t
S39 karishma t
S39 kellee t
S39 lauren t
S39 missy t
S39 molly t
S39 noura t
S39 ronnie t
S39 tom t
S39 tommy t
S39 vince t