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East Team is a tribe from Expedition Robinson 1999.

Starting as a tribe of men, the East Team is remembered for struggling in challenges, having only two members when the tribe was absorbed. Their tribe color is orange.


 Deniz Özen
29, Danderyd
S3sweden deniz t
 Johnny Leinonen
33, Motala
S3sweden johnny t
 Martin Suorra
48, Gällivare
S3sweden martin t

Tribe History[]

The East Team immediately ran into issues, with tribe member Franz Schnabel cutting his leg upon jumping off the boat carrying the tribe to their camp. The injury proved too much for him, and Franz was temporarily removed from the game. The tribe continued its struggle as they lost the first Immunity Challenge against the West Team. However, it was announced at Tribal Council that Franz was permanently evacuated from the season. Because of this, the vote was canceled.

The East Team continued struggling as they and the South Team lost the next Immunity Challenge, and one of their members had to be eliminated by the North Team and West Team. At Tribal Council, the four North Team members voted for South Team member Jenny Hägglöf, while the four West Team members voted against Deniz, resulting in a tie. This forced a tiebreaker, where Deniz was eliminated, leaving the East Team with only two members remaining.

On Day 7, Johnny Leinonen and Martin Suorra received news that the East Team would be absorbed. Both of them became members of the North Team.



  • Franz Schnabel is the only member of the East Team to not return for another season.


Expedition Robinson Tribes
Expedition Robinson 1997 Expedition Robinson 1998 Expedition Robinson 1999 Expedition Robinson 2000
North Team South Team North Team South Team East Team North Team South Team West Team North Team South Team
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Expedition Robinson 2001 Expedition Robinson 2002 Expedition Robinson 2003 Expedition Robinson 2004
North Team South Team North Team South Team Challengers Veterans North Team South Team North Team South Team Team X
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Expedition Robinson VIP Expedition Robinson 2005 Robinson 2009 Karibien
Danmark Norge Sverige North Team South Team Parangan Magkal Agwe Brise
Robinson Robinson Robinson Legba
Robinson 2010 Robinson 2011 Revanschen Love Edition
Buwanga Sarimanok Kalis Bontoc Kalinga Gago Matal Guntao Tigas Bros Srei
Lubad Naiwan Robinson Sreros
Fiji Robinson 2019 Robinson 2020 Robinson 2021
North Team South Team North Team South Team North Team South Team North Team South Team
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Robinson 2022 Malaysia Robinson 2023 Philippines
North Team South Team East Team West Team North Team South Team North Team South Team North Team South Team
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Robinson 2024 Palawan
North Team South Team North Team South Team