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Donald "Don" Soper is a contestant from Survivor South Africa: Panama.

Though not initially a target, Don soon felt unwell and grew demoralized, not participating in strategic conversations or camp life. This led to a narrow majority choosing to vote him out first over initial target Danielle Vukic.


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I don't mind being manipulative with them.

Age: 54
Star sign: Capricorn
Residence: Hurlingham Manor, Johannesburg
Occupation: Businessman
The father figure, Don is a businessman who's competed in several international yachting races, including the exhausting Cape-to-Rio race.
What you should know about him: Don was in the Naval Academy; he has competed in several international yachting races, including the exhausting Cape-to-Rio race. He also loves fishing, mountaineering and diving.
Describes himself as: Honest, dependable, practical and curious.
And his worst qualities? Very competitive and somewhat dominating.
Why he could win Survivor: Don's life experience could give him the edge and if he plays his cards right the other contestants could see him as a father figure and stalwart.
Who is your hero - who do you like to model yourself on? 'Bill Clinton - he has charisma, gave great speeches, I could identify with mistakes he made. Look at the good things he did, not the mistakes.'
Why will you win? 'My age is against me, but I have a lot more experience than most of the contestants. Being in sales, I read people very well, and can communicate well with any person.'
How do you deal with manipulative people? 'I don't mind being manipulative with them.'
What was the most difficult thing about accepting the challenge to be a Survivor? 'Leaving my wife and my business; I will have to leave her on her own to [it]. And I feel guilty [about that].'[2]

Survivor South Africa[]

Don was placed on the Rana tribe. After losing the first Immunity Challenge on Day 3, Danielle Vukic was initially targeted to be voted out, however, Don became fatigued living on the island, while socially distancing himself from the rest of the tribe before Tribal Council, while Danielle worked hard around camp knowing she was getting targeted. At Tribal Council, Don was narrowly voted out in a 4-3 vote, becoming the first person ever voted out of Survivor South Africa.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Rana Race to Black Pearl Island Reward No Lost
Lock Step Immunity No Lost
Voted Out, Day 3

Episode Don's
Voted Against
1 Danielle Danielle, Gareth,
Jacinda, Zayn
Voted Out, Day 3


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  • Don is the oldest contestant on Panama.
  • Don is the first person to be voted out of Survivor South Africa.


Survivor South Africa: Panama Castaways
ZAS1 brigitte t
ZAS1 danielle t
ZAS1 don t
ZAS1 gareth t
ZAS1 jacinda t
ZAS1 jude t
ZAS1 lezel t
ZAS1 mzi t
ZAS1 ncumisa t
ZAS1 nico t
ZAS1 sam t
ZAS1 sanele t
ZAS1 vanessa t
ZAS1 zayn t