Castaways must unscrew a rod in order to release objects (ladder golf rungs in Caramoan and puzzle pieces in later seasons) which they will use for a final task. After collecting the items, the dizzy castaways will cross a balance obstacle on their way to the final station. The first person or individual to complete the final task wins.
United States[]
The challenge appeared in Cambodia where it was used again as the family visit challenge. The castaways had to collect bags of puzzle pieces by digging in the sand, spinning a pole which would make them dizzy, then cross a balance beam. Kelley Wentworth was the first to get the correct word, "NOURISHMENT", to win reward.
The challenge reappeared in David vs. Goliath as the final nine Immunity Challenge, with the digging in the sand portion replaced by climbing over an a-frame. In addition, there would be two additional blocks of letters that were not needed to solve the word. Prior to the challenge, Angelina Keeley agreed to sit out in exchange for more rice for the tribe. Carl Boudreaux was the first to get a word, though this proved to be incorrect. Seeing Carl's word, however, gave both Alison Raybould and Davie Rickenbacker the correct idea, with Davie barely edging out Alison to solve the winning word, "PERSPECTIVE", to win immunity.
South Africa[]
In Santa Carolina, the contestants progressed through a series of elimination stages, where there were two fewer corkscrews at each progressive stage than the number of players left. Each contestant had to unscrew a rod at the first station, then another at the second and third stations. The first person to unscrew their last rod and ring a bell wins the reward. Izak Davel beat out Sade Giliberti in the last leg of the race to win a deep-sea fishing trip in the Indian Ocean.