Challenge:Pot Head The castaways would balance a pot of rice on their head while standing on a perch. If they fall off the perch or drop their pot, they are out. The last person standing out of those who chose to play for reward will win the reward for their tribe. Reward: A feast of boerie rolls and chips while listening in on the other tribe's Tribal Council. The last person standing gets an extra serving of rolls, as well as dessert and a beer. Winner:Nicole Wilmans(won reward for Vuna; exchanged beer for piña colada)
Challenge:Pot Head The castaways would balance a pot of rice on their head while standing on a perch. If they fall off the perch or drop their pot, they are out. The last person standing, out of those who chose to play for safety, wins a trip to Immunity Island. Winner:Anesu Mbizvo
Tribal Council[]
Tribal Council 5: Vuna
Voted Against
Voter (Anesu and Thoriso ineligible to vote)
Tyson (used Hidden Immunity Idol)
Dino, Nicole, Qieän, Renier (votes not counted)
Thoriso (2 votes)
Kiran, Tyson
Kiran (1 vote)
VOTED OUT: Thoriso M-Afrika
Voting Confessionals[]
Thoriso's voting confessional was aired during the Tribal Council segment. Tyson's confessional was shown during Thoriso's final words.
(voting against Tyson) I suspect Thoriso has no vote, Tyson plays an idol, Thoriso plays an idol, and collateral damage goes home. However, if either one of us are not here tomorrow, Tyson, I just wanted to let you know that I respect the hell out of you as a human being. You're a phenomenal guy. And, uh, just happens to be a privilege meeting you, so thank you for that, man.
(voting against Tyson) Hit a knockout blow, mean Mike Tyson. I love what you're doing. Looking forward to playing further with you. This is just for the plan and for the show.
I'm feeling very disappointed that a lot of Survivor head knowledge couldn't translate into actual playing knowledge, um, but I had the time of my life.
Tribal Council 6: Zamba
Voted Against
Carla (5 votes)
Amy, Anela, Chappies, Santoni, Shaun
Chappies (2 votes)
Carla, Wardah
VOTED OUT: Carla Gubb
Voting Confessionals[]
An edited version of Chappies' confessional was shown during Carla's final words.
(voting against Carla) This is the worst vote and will be the worst vote I have to cast. I love you so much, but you're just a phenomenal player. I'm so sorry.
(voting against Carla) Carla, I really, really, really wish I didn't have to do this vote tonight and vote for you. Um, I think you're an amazing person and a really, really formidable player and I'm s-I'm going to be very sorry to see you go.
(voting against Chappies) I'm voting for you because you're gunning for me. I don't feel like you've painted me in a fair light. Um, I've got a feeling I could be blindsided tonight, but I hope not. Um, yeah, I hope you don't have that idol. If you do, then well played.
Definitely blindsided. If that was the way that I was supposed to go out, then that was the way I was supposed to go out. I maybe played too hard too soon which is what I said I wouldn't do, but it's really hard to not.