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Céga Coulibaly is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Caramoan.


Profile retrieved from[1]

  • Prénom: Céga
  • Age: 24 ans
  • Profession: Magasinier
  • Ville: Seine Saint-Denis (93)
  • Equipe: Mingao
  • ZONE CV: A 24 ans, ce dingue de l'OM sait ce qu'il veut dans la vie. L'aventure sur Caramoan, il la tente pour sa fille. Un poil justicier, ce jeune magasinier, footballeur américain à ses heures, a peur de la hauteur ! Un brin orgueilleux, il est déterminé à aller jusqu'au bout de ses forces.


For the opening challenge for rice and for the power to choose their tribemates, Céga was partnered with Irya Cissé, Hakim Djellali, and Jessica Joullié. The team of Nathalie Ensargueix, Frédéric Favier, Christopher Lavaud, and Carole Rapin won the challenge and they did not select Céga to be a part of the Tayak tribe. Therefore, Céga became a member of the Mingao tribe. Thanks to the aforementioned twist, the Tayak tribe proved to be much stronger than the Mingao tribe in challenges. In spite of this, Céga, who was a player of American football back in France, proved to be strong in challenges and was appreciated by his tribemates for this. Céga bonded well with Irya and Céga formed a small alliance with her and Hakim. The Tayak tribe initially won the first Reward Challenge, in which the reward was fire, but the victory and the reward were transferred to the Mingao tribe later that day as it was discovered that Frédéric and Christopher had broken the rules at one point in the challenge. After the Mingao tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, the trio voted against Valérie Tartacède-Bollaert at Tribal Council for being out of her element and for her challenge weakness. However, Irya was voted out by the majority alliance, which did not include Valérie, because they felt that she was weaker than Valérie.

The next day, Céga began to feel pain in his stomach, but he still competed in the second Reward Challenge and functioned throughout the day as normal. However, the next morning, his stomach pain had not recovered and he was having sudden flashes of more severe pain there, which prompted the medic to have him temporarily evacuated from the game. At the infirmary, he encountered his tribemate Jean-Bernard Hauton-Arnaud, who had suffered from a heatstroke at the end of the second Reward Challenge, and updated him on what had happened back at camp since the latter had been gone, including Valérie's quit. Unfortunately, the medic revealed to Céga that the infirmary wasn't enough for him and that he needed to go to the hospital, which also meant that he would be permanently evacuated and eliminated from the game. The rules of Koh-Lanta state that in the event of an unorthodox elimination of a contestant, the previously eliminated contestant would reenter the game in place of the other contestant. However, in this case, the previously eliminated contestant, Irya, had already reentered the game in Valérie's place, so joker contestant Alain Garcia entered the game on Day 7 in his place.

Voting History[]

Episode Céga's
Voted Against
1 Valérie -
2 No Tribal Council
Evacuated, Day 5

Post Koh-Lanta[]


  • Céga is the youngest man to compete on Caramoan.


Koh-Lanta: Caramoan Castaways
FRS8 alain t
FRS8 bertrand t
FRS8 carole t
FRS8 cega t
FRS8 charlene t
FRS8 christelle t
FRS8 christophe t
FRS8 christopher t
FRS8 frederic t
FRS8 hakim t
FRS8 irya t
FRS8 jeanbernard t
FRS8 jessica t
FRS8 morgane t
FRS8 nathalie t
FRS8 regis t
FRS8 valerie t