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Burba is the merged tribe of Aguila​ and Rana​ from Survivor South Africa: Panama. Their tribe color is yellow.

Burba was marked by a distinct divide between the two starting tribes, with the former Ranas holding a majority that they controlled until the final four. However, a twist allowed two former Aguilas to return to the game, where they successfully provoked the Ranas to turn on themselves. Ultimately, a former Aguila defeated a former Rana to win the season.


 Brigitte Willers
ZAS1 brigitte t
 Gareth Tjasink
ZAS1 gareth t
 Jacinda Louw
ZAS1 jacinda t
 Lezel Crook
ZAS1 lezel t
 Mzi Tyhokolo
ZAS1 mzi t
 Vanessa Marawa
ZAS1 vanessa t
 Zayn Nabbi
ZAS1 zayn t

Tribe History[]

Challenge History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Winner Eliminated
8 Mud Pack Immunity Gareth Brigitte
6th Voted Out
Day 19
9 Cube Crisis Reward Jacinda
7th Voted Out
Day 21
Blue Plate Special Immunity Gareth
10 Well Stacked Reward Vanessa
8th Voted Out
Day 22
Gone Fishin' Immunity Gareth
11 The Fell Ropes Reward Gareth Lezel
9th Voted Out
Day 24
The Torch Immunity Gareth
12 Last Man Standing Re-entry Mzi Lezel 1st Eliminated
1st Jury Member
Day 25
Vanessa Brigitte 2nd Eliminated
2nd Jury Member
Day 25
Bungee Running Immunity Mzi Gareth
10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 27
What Do You Make of This? /
The Hook
Reward Zayn
13 The Plank Semi-Finals Vanessa Zayn
(no vote)1
4th Jury Member
Day 28
Water Obstacle Course Jacinda Mzi
(no vote)2
5th Jury Member
Day 29
Jury Vote Jacinda
Ultimate Survivor
^1 The final four competed in an elimination challenge, with the first placer going straight to the Final Tribal Council. Vanessa came in first, while Zayn finished last in the challenge, eliminating him from the game.
^2 Jacinda and Mzi competed in a challenge for the last spot in the Final Two. Jacinda won, eliminating Mzi from the game.

Voting History[]

Merged Tribe
Episode 8 9 10 11 12 13
Voted Out ZAS1 brigitte t
ZAS1 mzi t
ZAS1 vanessa t
ZAS1 lezel t
ZAS1 lezel t
ZAS1 brigitte t
ZAS1 gareth t
ZAS1 zayn t
ZAS1 mzi t
ZAS1 jacinda t
ZAS1 vanessa t
Vote 4-3 4-2 4-1 3-1 Challenge6 3-1-1 No vote7 No vote8 3-2
Vanessa Lezel Lezel Lezel Gareth Jury Vote
Jacinda Brigitte Mzi Vanessa Lezel Gareth
Mzi Lezel Lezel Gareth Eliminated Vanessa
Zayn Brigitte Mzi Vanessa Lezel Jacinda Eliminated Vanessa
Gareth Brigitte Mzi Vanessa Lezel Zayn Jacinda
Brigitte Lezel Eliminated Vanessa
Lezel Brigitte Mzi Vanessa Zayn Eliminated Jacinda
^1 Starting at the merge, the castaways competed in a duel for two of them to re-enter the game, with the other two castaways being permanently eliminated.
^2 The final four contestants competed in an elimination challenge, with the first placer going straight to Final Tribal Council. Vanessa came in first, while Zayn finished last in the challenge, eliminating him from the game.
^3 Jacinda and Mzi competed in a second challenge to for the second spot in the Final Two. Jacinda won, eliminating Mzi from the game.



  • Burba is the first merged tribe in Survivor South Africa
  • Burba is the first yellow tribe in Survivor South Africa.
  • With only seven members, Burba is the smallest merged tribe in Survivor South Africa.


Survivor South Africa Tribes
Panama Malaysia Santa Carolina Maldives
Aguila Rana Bajau Iban Chibudu Timbila Goma Raituhn
Burba Empu Kululama Eku
Champions Philippines Island of Secrets Immunity Island
Selatan Utara Salvation Luzon Mindanao Visayas Laumei Sa'ula Ta'alo Vuna Zamba
Juara Araw Manumalo Osindile
Return of the Outcasts
Masu Yontau