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Survivor Wiki
For the Brawn tribe from Survivor: Cagayan or Survivor: Kaôh Rōng, see Aparri and To Tang.

Brawn is a tribe from Australian Survivor: Brains v Brawn.

Despite living in luxury after accruing a streak of Reward Challenge victories, the Brawn tribe was divided by a brewing power struggle between its warring leaders Shannon and Simon. After the tribe switch, the fractures between the remaining Brawn members were easily exploited by the Brains newcomers, who effectively turned them against each other to advance in the game. Their tribe color is red.


Benny Burdo
38, Los Angeles, CA
AUS8 benny t
Chelsea Hackett
22, Gold Coast, QLD
MMA fighter
AUS8 chelsea t
Daini Tuiqere
26, Sydney, NSW
Personal trainer
AUS8 daini t
Dani Beale
34, Sydney, NSW
Corrections officer
AUS8 dani t
Emmett Pugh
31, Perth, WA
Health coach
AUS8 emmett t
Flick Palmateer
28, Margaret River, WA
Big wave surfer
AUS8 flick t
Gavin Wanganeen
48, Adelaide, SA
AFL legend
AUS8 gavin t
Gerald Youles
26, Kilcoy, QLD
Champion wood chopper
AUS8 gerald t
Janelle Durso
43, Townsville, QLD
AUS8 janelle t
Kez McGee
25, Busselton, WA
AUS8 kez t
Shannon Lawson
30, Sydney, NSW
AUS8 shannon t
Simon Mee
31, Brisbane, QLD
AUS8 simon t

 Cara Atchison
AUS8 cara t
 Chelsea Hackett
AUS8 chelsea t
 Daini Tuiqere
AUS8 daini t
 Dani Beale
AUS8 dani t
 Emmett Pugh
AUS8 emmett t
 Flick Palmateer
AUS8 flick t
 Gerald Youles
AUS8 gerald t
 Kez McGee
AUS8 kez t
 Shannon Lawson
AUS8 shannon t
 Simon Mee
AUS8 simon t

 Andrew Ucles
AUS8 andrew t
 Baden Cooke
AUS8 baden t
 Chelsea Hackett
AUS8 chelsea t
 Dani Beale
AUS8 dani t
 Flick Palmateer
AUS8 flick t
 Hayley Leake
AUS8 hayley t
 Shannon Lawson
AUS8 shannon t
 Simon Mee
AUS8 simon t
 Wai Chim
AUS8 wai t

Tribe History[]

Challenge History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out Result Eliminated
1 Crate Escape Reward None Won Tribe Immune
Tracks of My Tears Immunity None Won
2 Battle Dig Reward Janelle Won Janelle
2nd Voted Out
Day 5
(No title) Immunity Gerald Lost
3 Pass the Bucket Reward None Won Gavin
3rd Voted Out
Day 7
Well Stacked Immunity None Lost
4 Game of Throw-Ins Reward None Won Benny
4th Voted Out
Day 9
Cage Against the Machine Immunity None Lost
5 Log Jam Reward None Won Tribe Immune
Running Down a Dream Immunity None Won
6 Tangled Up Reward None Won Tribe Immune
What-er Drag Immunity None Won
Tribes Switched, Day 14
7 Dead Weight Reward Cara Lost Tribe Immune
(No title) Immunity Dani Won
Tribes Switched, Day 17
8 Weight and Sea Immunity None Won Tribe Immune
9 A Quick Affair Reward/Immunity None Andrew,
8th Voted Out
Day 19
10 Shoulder the Load Reward None Lost Tribe Immune
Losing Face Immunity None Won
11 (No title) Immunity Flick Won Tribe Immune
12 Boats, Brains & Brawn Reward Hayley, Wai Lost Simon
11th Voted Out
Day 25
Discy Business Immunity Baden, Simon Lost
Tribes Merged, Day 26
^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^2 The vote resulted in a tie. Per Australian Survivor rules, a revote would commence.
^3 Both tribes were sent to Tribal Council. The tribes competed in an individual Reward/Immunity Challenge with two members of each tribe winning the challenge.
^4 After Brains and Brawn voted out one member at the Double Tribal Council, the four winners of the Immunity Challenge were tasked with deciding which of the two contestants would be permanently eliminated from the game. The four winners chose to eliminate Shannon.

Voting History[]

Original Tribes Post-Swap Tribes Switched Tribes
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Voted Out Tribe
AUS8 janelle t
AUS8 gavin t
Tie AUS8 benny t
AUS8 shannon t
AUS8 simon t
Vote 7-4-1 6-01 5-52 6-2 6-2-1 4-03 6-3-14
Hayley On Brains Shannon Dani
George On Brains On Brains Simon4
Flick Janelle Gavin Simon Simon Chelsea Simon
Cara On Brains On Brains Simon4
Wai On Brains Shannon Shannon Simon
Dani Shannon Kez Benny Benny Shannon Simon
Andrew On Brains Shannon Shannon Dani
Emmett Shannon Kez Benny Benny On Brains Shannon On Brains
Gerald Janelle Gavin Simon Simon On Brains
Baden On Brains Flick Dani
Chelsea Shannon Kez Benny Benny Shannon Simon
Kez Janelle Gavin Simon Benny On Brains
Simon Shannon Kez Benny None Shannon Flick
Rachel On Brains On Brains Shannon On Brains
Shannon Janelle Gavin Simon Benny Chelsea Voted Out
Daini Janelle Gavin Benny Benny On Brains
Benny Janelle Gavin Simon None
Gavin Janelle Kez
Janelle Emmett

^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^2 Tribal Council resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, a revote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for those involved in the tie.
^3 Both Brains and Brawn attended Tribal Council on Day 19. After a person had been voted out by their respective tribes, the four Immune players had to unanimously decide who to eliminate. Laura was saved, eliminating Shannon.
^4 Cara found an Advantage that allowed her to select two members of the winning tribe to vote at the losing tribe's Tribal Council. She selected herself and George. Both voted for Simon.



  • Brawn's camp was used as the campsite for the merged Fire tribe.


Australian Survivor Tribes
Australian Survivor (2002) Celebrity Survivor Australia Australian Survivor (2016) Australian Survivor (2017)
Kadina Tipara Kakula Moso Aganoa Saanapu Vavau Asaga Samatau
Aurora Tanna Fia Fia Asatoa
Champions v Contenders (2018) Champions v Contenders (2019) All Stars Brains v Brawn (2021)
Champions Contenders Champions Contenders Mokuta Vakama Brains Brawn
Koro Savu Soli Bula Kalo Kalo Fire
Blood v Water Heroes v Villains Titans v Rebels
Blood Water Heroes Villains Rebels Titans
Lava Fa'amolemole Tasi