Boulder Smash (also known as Chinese Checkers, Pit Ball, and Bog Roll) is a recurring Survivor challenge.
Each tribe has members on opposite sides of a giant ball. Both teams push the ball and try to get it past their own goal line. The first tribe to make three goals wins.
United States[]
In Guatemala, each tribe has two members on opposite sides of a giant ball. Both teams push the ball and try to get it past their own goal line. The first tribe to make three goals wins reward and a shot at individual immunity. Nakúm defeated Yaxhá 3-2 to win their second challenge in a row.
In China, in a series of 3-on-3 matches, each team has to push their large ball across a muddy field into their opponents' goal, while preventing the opponents from doing the same. The first team to score 2 goals wins a reward of fishing gear and a fishing boat. In the first round, Amanda Kimmel, Denise Martin, and Aaron Reisberger of Fei Long raced out into the mud to battle Jaime Dugan, Sherea Lloyd, and Erik Huffman of Zhan Hu. Both sides choked and wrestled each other to gain possession of the wooden balls, and Sherea pulled Amanda's top down, unbeknownst to her. Despite the clothing malfunction, which exposed her breasts, Amanda maneuvered the giant ball across the line and scored the first point for Fei Long. In the next round, Ashley Massaro, Frosti Zernow, and Dave Cruser of Zhan Hu took on Jean-Robert Bellande, James Clement, and Leslie Nease of Fei Long. Calling on her professional wrestling skills, Ashley attempted to grapple with the heavier Jean-Robert. Jean-Robert dragged Ashley along behind him and took out Frosti, leaving James free and clear to score the winning point for Fei Long.
In Philippines, facing off three on three, the tribes would try to push a large wood ball across a mud field to their goal. The tribe would score a point for pushing the ball to the goal. The first tribe to score three points would win a trip to a picnic with sandwiches, soup, potato chips, brownies, and letters from home. In the first round, Michael Skupin, Pete Yurkowski, and Lisa Whelchel of Tandang faced off against Jonathan Penner, Carter Williams, and Denise Stapley of Kalabaw. The six fought to a standstill for over an hour when Jonathan proposed a deal: Kalabaw would give up all of their remaining rice in exchange for winning reward. Jonathan told his tribe that the deal was okay because he promised that he could catch fish. Michael persuaded his tribe to hear out Jonathan's proposal and after some discussion, Tandang agreed to the deal.
South Africa[]
In Santa Carolina, the challenge was played in shallow water as the only post-swap Immunity Challenge. While Ashley Hayden and Sandi Schultz helped Timbila win the first round, Okkert Brits' unrivaled physical prowess allowed him to single-handedly score the next two points for Chibudu, granting them safety from Tribal Council.
In Return of the Outcasts, the newly switched tribes played in the mud for immunity and a meal of bunny chow. Like in Survivor: Philippines, the first round ended in a stalemate; after Steffi Brink sustained a leg injury, Nico Panagio called off the match and started a new round, which would be played for all the marbles. In the deciding second round, Shona Macdonald sustained a rib injury that forced her out of the challenge. The challenge was put on pause and, in the following episode, resumed with Killarney Jones being switched out for Felix Godlo on Masu, and Shane Hattingh taking Shona's place for Yontau. Additionally, Nico put two more balls into play. After another hour, Toni Tebbutt pushed the ball into the goal, finally ending the challenge with Masu taking the win.
Episode | Challenge Type | Winner |
Guatemala "Big Ball, Big Mouth, Big Trouble" |
Tribal Reward | Nakúm |
China "My Mom Is Going to Kill Me!" |
Tribal Reward | Fei Long |
Philippines "Down and Dirty" |
Tribal Reward | Kalabaw |
Episode | Challenge Type | Winners |
All Stars Episode 3 |
Tribal Immunity | Mokuta |
Heroes v Villains Episode 7 |
Tribal Immunity | Heroes (Australia) |
Episode | Challenge Type | Winners |
Santa Carolina Episode 6 |
Tribal Immunity | Chibudu |
Return of the Outcasts "Expect the Unexpected", "This is Gonna Be a Life Long Torture" |
Tribal Reward/Immunity | Masu |
- Every time the challenge has been used, one of the competing tribes was yellow.
- The challenge has only ever appeared as a Reward Challenge.
- Guatemala was the only time this challenge did not take place in a mud pit.
- This challenge was the first to ever be forfeited, when Tandang allowed Kalabaw to win the challenge in exchange for rice during Philippines.
- It would be followed by A Crate Idea the next season when Bikal forfeited immunity to Gota in order to vote out Brandon Hantz and then Chief's Choice in Ghost Island when Naviti's chief Chris Noble decided to forfeit the win to Malolo.