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This is the sixteenth episode of Australian Survivor (2016).


Day 34[]

Day 35[]


Immunity Challenge: Centrifuge
The castaways must spin a ball around a circular track using centripetal force, using momentum to keep the ball spinning. The castaway who keeps the ball spinning for the longest wins individual immunity.
Winner: El Rowland

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 15:
Fia Fia
AUS3 kate t
Kate (6 votes)
AUS3 brooke tAUS3 el tAUS3 flick t
AUS3 jennahlouise tAUS3 kylie tAUS3 lee t
Brooke, El, Flick, Jennah-Louise, Kylie, Lee
AUS3 nick t
(used Hidden Immunity Idol)
AUS3 kate tAUS3 kristie tAUS3 sam tAUS3 sue t
Kate, Kristie, Sam, Sue
(votes not counted)
AUS3 sue t
Sue (2 votes)
AUS3 matt tAUS3 nick t
Matt, Nick
AUS3 kate bw
Kate Campbell

Voting Confessionals[]

Flick and Sam's voting confessionals were shown in the episode. Kylie and Lee's voting confessionals were shown at the end of the episode.

AUS3 kylie t
(voting against Kate) My vote tonight is based on connection and communication with my group. But also in the hope that you're still here tomorrow.
AUS3 jennahlouise t
(voting against Kate) I wish you came to me earlier about the alliance. I can't change my vote because it might mean that Sue ends up going home, and I gave her my word first. I hope things change tonight and both of you aren't going home. Otherwise, I love you. I'll see you soon.
AUS3 kristie t
(voting against Nick) Kate deserves to be here, and, Hidden Immunity Idols, quests and advantages just cause a lot of trouble.
AUS3 flick t
(voting against Kate) I'm voting for you because I think you're the biggest threat in this game.
AUS3 matt t
(voting against Sue) Kate, I hope it's not you tonight. I'm sorry if it is. Nick, I hope you don't play that idol. And Sue, you don't deserve this but I'm sorry, we're just out of options.
AUS3 kate t
(voting against Nick) Congratulations on finding the idol, at least I get to walk out of here with my integrity still intact.
AUS3 sam t
(voting against Nick) Nick, don't trust you mate. Never have since the start of this game since I met you. You're a complete snake. I can't wait for the day you leave this game.
AUS3 brooke t
(voting against Kate) You're a really lovely person, but that's why you've got to go.
AUS3 lee t
(voting against Kate) Sorry Kate, as much as I want you in the game, my word is my word and I've got to give it to my alliance.
AUS3 sue t
(voting against Nick) Bad form, Nick. This is such an easy vote.
AUS3 nick t
(voting against Sue) Just thought I'd return the favour.
AUS3 el t
(voting against Kate) We made a decision a long time to vote for you and I'm going to stick to that.

Final Words[]

AUS3 kate bw
I had to call out the alliance, because if I didn't do it, no-one would, and then everyone would just go down and the little alliance would win, and I don't think that's fair. I definitely think a good guy could win Survivor, I just hope that the message that I left for the rest of the good guys is- is enough to enable them to get up off their arses and start playing, and trust themselves. And I hope that their can of worms I've opened is creating chaos back at camp.

Still in the Running[]

AUS3 des bw
AUS3 bianca bw
AUS3 evan bw
AUS3 peter bw
AUS3 barry bw
AUS3 tegan bw
AUS3 rohan bw
AUS3 kat bw
AUS3 andrew bw
AUS3 craig bw
AUS3 phoebe bw
AUS3 conner bw
AUS3 kate bw
Fia Fia
AUS3 brooke t
Fia Fia
AUS3 el t
Fia Fia
AUS3 flick t
Fia Fia
AUS3 jennahlouise t
Fia Fia
AUS3 kristie t
Fia Fia
AUS3 kylie t
Fia Fia
AUS3 lee t
Fia Fia
AUS3 matt t
Fia Fia
AUS3 nick t
Fia Fia
AUS3 sam t
Fia Fia
AUS3 sue t


  • As of this episode, Kristie Bennett is the only remaining contestant to not have ever been a member of Saanapu at any point.  

Behind the Scenes[]



Australian Survivor (2016) Episodes
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