Immunity Challenge:Last Gasp The players must swim under a steel grate and stay above the water. As the tide rises, the players will run out of breathing room. If the fear of drowning is too much, that person can bail out. The last person remaining under the grate wins the challenge. Winner:Matt Sharp
Tribal Council[]
Tribal Council 14: Fa'amolemole
Voted Against
David (7 votes)
George, Gerry, Hayley, Liz, Matt, Shonee, Simon
Shonee (used Hidden Immunity Idol)
David, Flick, Nina, Sam (votes not counted)
Liz (1 vote)
VOTED OUT: David Zaharakis
Voting Confessionals[]
Only George and Flick's confessionals were shown in full during the episode. Shaun was shown writing down Liz's name. Matt's vote was not shown during his confessional. Gerry and Hayley's confessionals were aired during David's final words. Full voting confessionals were posted on the Channel 10 YouTube channel.[1]
(voting against David) David, we've had an epic season of Heroes v Villains, and you've played a very important role as a raw potato. Consider your game now cooked.
(voting against David) From the start of this game, you've been uncertain about having me in your alliance. And the good news is, by the end of today, I won't be in the alliance. Bad news: Neither will you.
(voting against David) I feel like you added a little too much water to the rice, so hopefully this does the trick and the Spice Girls can put their chefs' hats back on.
(voting against Shonee) You're a huge asset for George; we need to deplete the numbers around him; he's the biggest game player here. To deplete the numbers around him means we can defeat him, so you have to go.
(voting against David) George, you may have opened the door for me, but I still choose which path I follow. David, I'm sorry mate, but I wanna work with a couple of your friends, and you're really close to them.
Being part of a blindside it's— uh, yeah, surprising. Sam thought he was the vote tonight. […] Uh, yeah, I definitely think there was betrayal, and I wonder who it was. […] Hopefully, the OG Heroes can keep going from here, but they need to find out who has turned.
In an unaired twist, Jonathan LaPaglia instructed the tribe to draw from a bag of numbered rocks. In that order, each member would decide whether to stay at the merge feast or head back to camp where they will have the chance to find a Hidden Immunity Idol. Since everybody chose to stay at the feast, the twist was left unaired.[2]
This is the last episode of the season where a first-time player was voted out.