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Ariadna Thalia da Silva Arantes is a contestant from No Limite 5.

Famous for being the first transgender reality show contestant in Brazil, Ariadna brought to light some of the issues she went through in life during enlightening conversations with the rest of her tribe, Carcará. However, her disastrous performance in physical challenges proved to be too detrimental for her tribe and she was unanimously voted out at their first Tribal Council.

No Limite[]

Placed on the Carcará tribe, Ariadna struggled from the get go with the physicality of the challenges. During the opening challenge that involved climbing a dune and walking a few km, she felt ill and almost passed out. At camp, she helped her tribe find a lake to take baths in. During the Day 4 Reward Challenge, she felt left out for having to sit out and not take part on it. Also during that day, she had a heavy argument with Íris Stefanelli due to her opinions on prostitution and transgender people, where most people of the tribe stood up for her.

After winning two Immunity Challenges in a row, the tribe spirits were on an all-time high. However, some jokes and comments made by the guys of the tribe offended Ariadna, who thought that people should not split off to have private conversations, and she ended up arguing with the entire tribe. Later, during the Day 6 Reward Challenge, she had an abysmal performance that let the Calango tribe take the lead, which was noted by many members of Carcará, including herself. She proved herself during the Day 7 Immunity Challenge by holding out her sandbags until the end of the challenge, but it wasn't enough as Lucas Chumbo dropped one of his 4 bags that weighted 5 kg each. Back at camp, she tried to be open about her vote for Íris, the next weakest person on the tribe, but it proved to be worthless as Ariadna was later unanimously voted out. Before leaving, she thanked her tribe for the experience and said a few emotional words, leaving some of her tribemates crying.

Voting History[]

Episode Ariadna's
Voted Against
1 Carcará Tribe Immune
2 Carcará Tribe Immune
3 Íris Chumbo, Elana, Guilherme,
Íris, Paula, Viegas, Zulu
Voted Out, Day 7

Post-No Limite[]

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No Limite 5 Castaways
Andre NL5
Angélica NL5
Arcrebiano NL5
Ariadna NL5
Carol NL5
Lucas NL5
Elana NL5
Gleici NL5
Guilherme NL5
Iris NL5
Jessica NL5
Kaysar NL5
Mahmoud NL5
Paula NL5
Viegas NL5
Marcelo NL5