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Amy Ong is a contestant from Australian Survivor: Blood v Water.

Amy was quick to try and play hard early, aligning with the men of her tribe while having difficulty executing many of her desired moves. One of these attempts was to eliminate her ally Jordan Schmidt, which caught the attention of his cousin, Josh Millgate, and led to the pair leading the charge against her, sending her home.


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Amy, 24, Beautician, Victoria

Amy and Khanh are set to put their closeness under a microscope.
Charming and disarming, Amy is ready to make a name for herself after living in her older brother's shadow, while Khanh has a burning desire to win the title of Sole Survivor.
In my spare time I like to…
Be out in nature, spend time with my family and friends, do pottery, go out for drinks and a boogie, play with my baby kitties and doing random things like Kmart or Bunnings runs.
What are you most looking forward to?
The whole experience. I'm going to be playing the best game on earth with my brother and will meet new incredible souls along the way.[2]

Australian Survivor[]

Amy was initially placed on the Blood tribe, where her brother Khanh was assigned to Water. On Day 9, after the Blood tribe lost the immunity challenge, Amy was approached by Sandra Diaz-Twine to blindside Sophie Cachia, as she alligned herself with the alpha males of the tribe Ben Watson, Croc Crocker and Jordan Schmidt. Amy discussed the plan with Jay Bruno, who wanted to include David Goodchild as well. At Tribal Council, the plan was fulfilled as Sophie was blindsided, who instead of leaving the game, joined the Water tribe.

On Day 13, while Sandra revealed to the alpha males alliance the Amy wanted to vote one of them out, Amy warned David about Sandra. After the reward challenge, Amy found an Hidden Immunity Idol, without knowing that Michelle Chiang caught her doing so. The next day, Blood lost the immunity challenge, and Amy discussed with the alpha male alliance about voting out Sandra. However, after Michelle revealed to Sandra that Amy found the idol, a new plan to split the votes between Amy and Jay was plotted. Jay, who felt close to Amy, warned Amy that she should play her idol. At Tribal Council, Amy played the idol on herself, thus negating three votes against her. However, four votes were placed on Jay, blindsiding him out of the game.

On Day 15, at the tribal swap, Amy remained on Blood. Amy realized that she was on the bottom of the new tribe, as she saw Jordan distancing himself for her when his cousin Josh Millgate joined the tribe. On Day 20, after Blood lost the immunity challenge, the majority of the tribe agreed to vote out Mel Chiang in order to keep the tribe strong. Amy, however, saw this an opportunity to split Jordan and Josh by voting out Jordan. She discussed about it with Shay Lajoie, which proved to be a mistake, as Shay revealed Amy's plan to Josh. Therefore, Jordan and Josh plotted against Amy. At Tribal Council, Amy was blindsided in a 6-2-1 vote.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Blood Water Slaughter Reward No Lost
Gatecrasher Immunity No Won
2 (No title) Reward No Lost
Yank Your Hank Immunity No Won
3 (No title) Reward No Won
A Bit Tipsy Immunity No Lost
4 In the Trenches Reward Yes Won
Boats, Brains & Brawn Immunity No Lost
5 Sumo at Sea Reward No Lost
(No title) Immunity No Won
6 By Any Means Necessary Reward No Lost
Free Fallin' Immunity No Lost
7 Boats Tug of War Reward Yes Lost
Puppet Master Immunity No Lost
8 Chain Reaction Immunity No Won
9 (No title) Reward No Won
Operation Balance Build Immunity No Lost
Voted Out, Day 20

Episode Amy's
Voted Against
1 Blood Tribe Immune
2 Blood Tribe Immune
3 David1 -
4 Mock Vote2
5 Blood Tribe Immune
6 Sandra Croc, Jesse, Sandra3
7 Sandra -
8 Blood Tribe Immune
9 Jordan Jordie, Josh, Mark,
Mel, Nina, Shay
Voted Out, Day 20

^1 In "Episode 3", David used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Amy's vote against him.
^2 In "Episode 4", the Blood tribe was subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the player they voted out was switched to the other tribe.
^3 In "Episode 6", Amy used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating 3 votes against her.


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Australian Survivor: Blood v Water Castaways
AUS9 alex t
AUS9 amy t
AUS9 andy t
AUS9 ben t
AUS9 briana t
AUS9 chrissy t
AUS9 croc t
AUS9 david t
AUS9 jay t
AUS9 jesse t
AUS9 jordan t
AUS9 jordie t
AUS9 josh t
AUS9 kate t
AUS9 khanh t
AUS9 kj t
AUS9 mark t
AUS9 mel t
AUS9 michelle t
AUS9 nina t
AUS9 sam t
AUS9 sandra t
AUS9 shay t
AUS9 sophie t