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Alison Raybould is a contestant from Survivor: David vs. Goliath.

At the beginning, Alison was a quiet member of the Goliath tribe, but grew as the game progressed, managing to stay under the radar and develop bonds with both Davids and Goliaths. However, her inability to ultimately pick a side led to her struggling to find her footing in the web of alliances, when the other players started to question where her loyalties truly stood. These factors, combined with her status as a challenge threat which caused her to be likened to "Wonder Woman", made her a target at every Tribal Council from Day 30 onward. She was eventually voted out at the final five.


Retrieved from

Age: 28
Hometown: Leawood, Kansas
Current residence: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Occupation: Physician
Hobbies: Getting to the bottom of bottomless breadsticks at Olive Garden. Working out in any capacity—typically swimming, circuit training, running or hiking. Playing medical "would you rather" with friends.
Pet peeves: A sense of entitlement, when someone eats the last bite of a meal after I have been carefully constructing the perfect final bite, and slow drivers in the left hand lane.
Three words to describe you: Hero, healer, and hustler.
What's your personal claim to fame? Got fifth place in my grade school spelling bee.
Who or what is your inspiration in life? My parents taught me about work ethic, industry, and perseverance. They made so many sacrifices so that my siblings and I would have every opportunity possible. They pushed me to be the best version of myself. They also demonstrated daily how to lead a purposeful life guided by integrity and morality.
If you could have three things on the island what would they be and why? To quote Dwight K. Schrute, "Physician's desk reference. Hollowed out. Inside, waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars and a NASA blanket." The reason seems obvious here. Also, face wash. I appreciate a good skincare regimen. And a Costco pack of Orbitz bubblemint gum for that minty fresh taste.
Which Survivor contestant are you most like? Andrea Boehlke, a fellow Midwesterner, who is tough in challenges, hardworking around camp, strategic, and a fierce competitor.
What's your reason for being on Survivor? I want to win a million dollars so that I may thank my parents for the endless opportunities that they have given me through the years. I also feel like I have lived an extraordinary life, but I am looking for new, unparalleled adventure. I have been on this well-defined path for ten years, pursuing medicine, and now is the perfect opportunity for me to deviate from the expected and do something totally unpredictable.
Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor? The stakes are higher for me than most as I am acutely aware of what I am giving up (in stepping away from my patients and my program for two months), so I will not be afraid to make big moves. I will fight until the very end, and then when sitting across from the jury at the Final Tribal Council, they will all commend the brilliant, strategic game I played.[2]


Alison started on the Goliath tribe, where she found herself insulated within the Goliath majority. Goliath won the first two challenges. When Goliath lost immunity on Day 9, Alison joined the tribe in unanimously voting out Jeremy Crawford

When the Tribe Switch occurred, Alison and tribemates Dan Rengering and John Hennigan were moved to the brand new Tiva tribe. They were joined by David members Christian Hubicki and Gabby Pascuzzi. There she formed a bond with Gabby, and considered taking out Dan as she saw him as a major threat. Because Tiva won the remaining Immunity Challenges, this plan went unrealized.

At the merge, Alison became a part of a cross-tribal alliance with former Goliaths Alec Merlino and Mike White, both of whom would become her close allies, and former Davids Christian, Gabby and Nick Wilson. Alison went on to win the first individual Immunity Challenge. At Tribal Council she contributed to former David Elizabeth Olson's unanimous elimination. At the next Tribal Council, she voted against Christian, but John was blindsided after former David Davie Rickenbacker used his Hidden Immunity Idol on Christian. On Night 25, Nick used his Vote Steal advantage to steal Alison's vote, meaning Alison was not allowed to vote at Tribal Council. On Night 28, she contributed to Alec's unanimous elimination. Following his elimination, Alison decided to work with Christian and Gabby. 

For the rest of the game, Alison found herself as the decoy target at Tribal Council. She would receive votes over the next several Tribal Councils, but managed to escape several close calls, eventually ending up in the final 5. There she found herself as a target yet again, and former Goliath Kara Kay told her that former Goliath Angelina Keeley had a real and fake idol. However, Alison gained some hope when Kara told her she wanted to blindside Mike. She ended up finding Angelina's fake idol. At Tribal Council Alison played the idol despite believing it was fake, and was voted out in a unanimous 4-1 vote.

At the Final Tribal Council, Alison questioned Mike on his rude remarks to her on the night she was voted out, and asked Angelina if the reason she tricked her with the fake idol was because she wanted to humiliate her. She cast her vote for Mike, who lost to Nick in a 7-3-0 vote.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Goliath Open Reward No Lost
Matchbox 25 Immunity No Won
2 Another Brick in the Wall Reward/Immunity No Won
3 Tangled Up in Blue Reward/Immunity No Lost
Switched Tribes, Day 10
4 Tiva Blind Barrow Reward/Immunity No 1st
5 Ball-istic Missiles Reward No Lost
A Bridge You Must Cross Immunity No 2nd
6 Carry On Reward Yes 1st
Dishwalla Immunity No 1st
Tribes Merged, Day 18
7 Kalokalo Ring Leader Immunity Won
8 Raise the Roof Reward Won
Don't Buoy Me Love Immunity Lost
9 All Mixed Up Reward No Lost
Roll Away the Dew Immunity Lost
10 Back in Slack Reward Won
Uncomfortably Numb Immunity No Lost
Beastie Buoys Reward No Lost
Word Forward Immunity No Lost
11 Ringo Starz Reward Lost
A Hand Out Immunity Lost
12 Pole Dancing Reward Lost
Rollerball Immunity Lost
13 Step Brothers Reward/Immunity Lost
Vertigo Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 37

Episode Alison's
Voted Against
1 Goliath Tribe Immune
2 Goliath Tribe Immune
3 Jeremy -
4 Tiva Tribe Immune
5 Tiva Tribe Immune
6 Tiva Tribe Immune
7 Elizabeth Individual Immunity
8 Christian1 -
9 Ineligible2 -
10 Alec -
Carl Angelina, Carl,
Davie, Nick
11 Christian3 Christian
12 Davie4 Christian, Davie
13 Davie Davie, Nick
Mike Angelina, Kara,
Mike, Nick
Voted Out, Day 37
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In "You Get What You Give", Davie used a Hidden Immunity Idol on Christian, negating Alison's vote against him.
^2 In "Breadth-First Search", Nick used a Vote Steal advantage on Alison, preventing her from voting at Tribal Council.
^3 In "So Smart They're Dumb", Christian used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Alison's vote against him.
^4 In "Are You Feeling Lucky?", Davie used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Alison's vote against him.


  • On November 13, 2021, Alison got married to Will Jesse Wright.[3]
  • On February 17, 2024, Alison announced her pregnancy on Instagram.[4]


  • Alison was the highest placing member of the Tiva tribe.
    • Alison is the first contestant to be the highest placing member of an auxiliary tribe and not reach the Final Tribal Council.
  • Alison lost 27 lbs. during her time on David vs. Goliath.[5]
  • Alison is tied with Jonathan Penner in Cook Islands for the record of most consecutive Tribal Councils with votes received, receiving votes at 5 Tribal Councils in a row.


Survivor: David vs. Goliath Castaways
S37 alec t
S37 alison t
S37 angelina t
S37 bi t
S37 carl t
S37 christian t
S37 dan t
S37 davie t
S37 elizabeth t
S37 gabby t
S37 jeremy t
S37 jessica t
S37 john t
S37 kara t
S37 lyrsa t
S37 mike t
S37 natalia t
S37 natalie t
S37 nick t
S37 pat t