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Aiga is the merged tribe of Foa Foa​ and Galu​ from Survivor: Samoa.

Despite Galu entering the merge with an 8-4 supermajority, its internal dysfunctions allowed the Foa Foa Four to integrate socially into Galu's ranks, eventually maneuvering themselves to overcome the greatest numbers' disadvantage in Survivor history and control the endgame. Their tribe color is blue.


 Brett Clouser
S19 brett t
 Dave Ball
S19 dave t
 Erik Cardona
S19 erik t
 Jaison Robinson
S19 jaison t
 John Fincher
S19 john t
 Kelly Sharbaugh
S19 kelly t
 Laura Morett
S19 laura t
 Mick Trimming
S19 mick t
 Monica Padilla
S19 monica t
 Natalie White
S19 natalie t
 Russell Hantz
S19 russellh t
 Shambo Waters
S19 shambo t

Tribe History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Winner Eliminated
8 Nut Cracker Immunity John Erik
7th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 21
9 Coconut Code Reward Dave, John, Kelly,
Monica, Shambo
8th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 24
Square Peg, Round Hole Immunity Laura
10 Get Hooked Reward Brett, Dave, Laura,
Natalie, Russell H.
9th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 27
Spear Me The Details Immunity Mick
12 Survivor Auction John
10th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 30
Drop A Log Immunity Jaison
13 Fauxconut Bowling Immunity Jaison Dave
11th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 31
Walk On Water Immunity Brett Monica
12th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 33
14 Coco Plunk Reward Jaison, Russell H.,
13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 36
Combo Platter Immunity Brett
15 Tentacle Immunity Brett Jaison
14th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 37
Over Extended Immunity Russell H. Brett
15th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 38
Jury Vote Mick
Second Runner-Up
Russell H.
Sole Survivor
^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^3 The vote resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, a revote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for those involved in the tie.

Merged Tribe
Episode 8 9 10 12 13 14 15
Voted Out S19 erik t
S19 kelly t
Tie S19 laura t
S19 john t
S19 dave t
S19 monica t
S19 shambo t
S19 jaison t
S19 brett t
S19 mick t
S19 russellh t
Russell H.
S19 natalie t
Vote 10-21 4-02 5-53 5-3 7-1-1 7-1 5-2 5-1 4-1 3-1 7-2-0
Natalie Erik Kelly Laura None John Dave Monica Shambo Jaison Brett Jury Vote
Russell H. Erik Kelly Laura Laura John Dave Monica Shambo Jaison Brett
Mick Erik Kelly Laura Laura John Dave Monica Shambo Jaison Brett
Brett Erik Russell H. Natalie Natalie John Dave Russell H. Shambo Jaison Mick Natalie
Jaison Erik Kelly Laura Laura John Dave Monica Shambo Mick Natalie
Shambo Jaison Russell H. Laura Laura Dave Dave Monica Mick Russell H.
Monica Erik Russell H. Natalie Natalie John Dave Russell H. Natalie
Dave Erik Russell H. Natalie Natalie John Shambo Natalie
John Erik Russell H. Natalie Laura Mick Russell H.
Laura Erik Russell H. Natalie None Natalie
Kelly Erik Russell H. Natalie
Erik Jaison Natalie
^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, however, no votes were cast against its user.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^3 Tribal Council resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, a revote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for those involved in the tie.



  • Of all tribes in Survivor history, Aiga is alphabetically first.
  • Aiga is the first merged tribe to have twelve members, a practice that would be regularly implemented in future seasons.
    • It is also the first tribe overall to have more than ten members upon creation.
  • Aiga is similar to both Libertad and Enil Edam (the merged tribes in Nicaragua and Caramoan) in that it was composed of an 8-4 ratio of the original tribes.
    • Of the three, Aiga is the only tribe where the winner came from the four-member minority.


  1. "aiga - translation". Glosbe. Retrieved June 5, 2018. 

Survivor (U.S.) Tribes
Borneo The Australian Outback Africa Marquesas
Pagong Tagi Kucha Ogakor Boran Samburu Maraamu Rotu
Rattana Barramundi Moto Maji Soliantu
Thailand The Amazon Pearl Islands All-Stars
Chuay Gahn Sook Jai Jaburu Tambaqui Drake Morgan The Outcasts Chapera Mogo Mogo Saboga
Chuay Jai Jacaré Balboa Chaboga Mogo
Vanuatu Palau Guatemala Panama
Lopevi Yasur Koror Ulong Nakúm Yaxhá Bayoneta Casaya La Mina Viveros
Alinta Xhakúm Gitanos
Cook Islands Fiji China Micronesia
Aitutaki Manihiki Puka Puka Rarotonga Moto Ravu Fei Long Zhan Hu Airai Malakal
Aitutonga Bula Bula Hae Da Fung Dabu
Gabon Tocantins Samoa Heroes vs. Villains
Fang Kota Jalapao Timbira Foa Foa Galu Heroes Villains
Nobag Forza Aiga Yin Yang
Nicaragua Redemption Island South Pacific One World
Espada La Flor Ometepe Zapatera Savaii Upolu Manono Salani
Libertad Murlonio Te Tuna Tikiano
Philippines Caramoan Blood vs. Water Cagayan
Kalabaw Matsing Tandang Bikal Gota Galang Tadhana Aparri Luzon Solana
Dangrayne Enil Edam Kasama Solarrion
San Juan del Sur Worlds Apart Cambodia Kaôh Rōng
Coyopa Hunahpu Escameca Masaya Nagarote Bayon Ta Keo Angkor Chan Loh Gondol To Tang
Huyopa Merica Orkun Dara
Millennials vs. Gen X Game Changers Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Ghost Island
Takali Vanua Ikabula Mana Nuku Tavua Levu Soko Yawa Malolo Naviti Yanuya
Vinaka Maku Maku Solewa Lavita
David vs. Goliath Edge of Extinction Island of the Idols Winners at War
Jabeni Vuku Tiva Kama Manu Lesu Lairo Vokai Dakal Sele Yara
Kalokalo Vata Lumuwaku Koru
Survivor 41 Survivor 42 Survivor 43 Survivor 44
Luvu Ua Yase Ika Taku Vati Baka Coco Vesi Ratu Soka Tika
Viakana Kula Kula Gaia Va Va
Survivor 45 Survivor 46 Survivor 47
Belo Lulu Reba Nami Siga Yanu Gata Lavo Tuku
Dakuwaqa Nuinui