The Aguila Alliance is the majority alliance on the Aguila tribe and the minority alliance on the merged Burba tribe in Survivor South Africa: Panama.
After a pivotal mock vote on Night 9, the Aguila tribe was irreparably fractured. The alliance formed out of the disunity of the tribe out of necessity against their Rana rivals. Despite being picked off by the Rana Alliance after entering the merge in the minority, a twist allowed two former Aguilas to return to the game and effectively pit the former Ranas against each other. In an unexpected turn of events, the alliance produced the season's winner, Vanessa Marawa.
The Outcast
Aguila Faces Extinction
Dead Man Walking
Aguila Earns Redemption
Vanessa Vanquishes Rana
The alliance and Nico at Aguila's fourth Tribal Council.
Brigitte voted out.
Mzi voted out.
Vanessa voted out.
Vanessa is the Ultimate Survivor of Survivor South Africa: Panama.